"Saturday, 08 August 2009
How Anorexia Found Me
It just started with grades.

Coming from a pretty strict Asian family, there was a whole lot of pressure for me to have straight A’s in my ‘special’ (way above average) middle school. At home, I would receive direct pressure from my parents to “do my best” (aka “you’re not good enough”), and at school I was pressured indirectly by my extremely crazy-brilliant peers.
I tried my hardest. I really did. But I still got 70s and 80s (which is wayyy below Asian fail), and pretty soon I gave up on trying to get A’s and B’s, I just settled for the C’s.
I felt extremely bad for my parents. In some weird twisted up mentality, I only tried to get good grades in school for my parents. I didn’t care about learning anything, getting good grades for myself, or having fun. Seeing my parents light up and say “good job” when I told them that I had gotten a 98% on a quiz was all I ever strived for. I wanted to be approved in the eyes of my parents, and it tore me up when I failed a test and they yelled at me..."
Please visit Noreen's weblog on Xanga to read the rest of her powerful post...
And many thanks again, Noreen, for allowing me to share your story. I appreciate it so much.
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I know exactly what she means, how she feels... she's kind of broken inside. IT HURTS SO BAD. E.
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