Twenty-year-old Lizzi Miller, a 180-pound model featured in Glamour magazine's September 2009 issue, has created Internet buzz and inspired a flood of positive comments...
How bloody refreshing. You rock, Lizzi.

Watch Lizzi's interview here (also see the hundreds of comments on Glamour's site below)
The Picture You Can't Stop Talking About: Meet "the Woman on p. 194"
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"How bloody refreshing. You rock, Lizzi."
I can't even begin to describe how awesome this is. People loved this, if only the modeling industry could take a hint.
Jana, thanks for your comment.
I was thrilled when I first laid eyes on Lizzi's photo from Glamour. Imagine! A photo of a model in a major magazine with no protruding bones.
I couldn't get over the positive comments from readers. They want to see healthy-looking women, not starving waifs gracing the pages of magazines.
Hopefully, Glamour will take up the mantle and publish more and more photos of models with meat on their bones. Now, how wonderful that would be?
~ Medusa
You know, your Lizzi can pull off "a plus size" glory look only because of her initially gorgeous face features - her face looks cheerful and content because of the straight button nose and perfect teeth and dimples, nice skin,etc. She has everything that's required for any other skinny covergirl.
But it's just much easier to be overweight, than fit and skinny and trained.
Again, she looks lovely, because she is A MODEL.Not because she's so unique in being overweight. This whole campaign is so artificial! It's not about ana vs obesity. It's about appealing looks on the whole and ideals, imo. Same story, but different technique.
Anyway, this attempt to make fat'n'chunky the new runway-/fashion/every girl's dream is just a publicity stunt to pimp this particular magazine, increase its circulation.
They've chosen a suitable model - a nice looking one, in order to get more attention. If Lizzi for one second looked sad, unfriendly, wrinkled, shy, ill, grumpy ... or had non-classic face proportions - she'd be out. :)
I personally am absolutely ambivalent when it comes to overweight women in fashion - that's 85% of women around us, What's new? Duh...
Fashion is about selling clothes. Clothes sits best on models. Women who sell clothes (read: lifestyle) MUST therefore look like models. That's multi-billion dollar industry. Strictly business. And, if some insecure, weak-willed people are angry that their right to be fat (thus ILL) is not supported wildly, it's their problem.
Everything is good in moderation, as you, probably know. Same applies to fat and bones, food and diets, work and leisure, working out and relaxation, etc.
It all comes back to COMMON SENSE. :)
I rest my case... and going to drink my delicious protein shake now! *yum*
I had looked around for this article and only found the first picture. People focus on it i suppose because it shows a bit of belly.It is beautiful picture and i think most of us forget what the average person looks like. We get so consumed in media we assume everyone has a perfectly flat belly regardless of size except for us! The second picture is absolutely breathtaking and i wish the sites posting the first pic would also include the second as you have done.
I've always been a fan of plus-size models! There's a great site with many images of plus-size models here:
They're all gorgeous. The site's forum also features many thought-provoking discussions on body image.
i wanted to leave you a comment about what I feel is an issue.
I am a pear-shaped teen, and through all the talk of how amazing being thin is, and all the counter arguments curvy girls are, I don't feel as though I am the 'norm'. I don't feel like I fall into either category.. it seems like now you have to be either skinny, or have amazing curves, and well, I don't have an amazing skinny body or gorgeous curves.
I think that some of the 'curves supporters' need to think about the impact their having.. it leaves girls like me, feeling a lot worse.
It seems no one is saying anything for girls with similar body shapes to me, and their are no celebrity icons for us to look up to.
I just feel like a freak. Not normal.
I don't have an eating disorder, but I suffer from depression. Just talking about my body makes me cry.
Thank you for reading.
I agree with your point and have been considering that for a while now. People who seem to think they are going against the "norm" say they want curvy models. That has become the "norm." Also to say that some girls who are very thin are also "curvy." An underweight girl with a teeny tiny waist but that still has good sized hips is indeed"curvy." So does she call herself petite or curvy. There are more than just two body types and even those two common ones aren't so clear cut. People aren't that simple.
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