This is what purging does to your body...
Tooth cavities, diseased gums, and irreversible enamel erosion caused by excessive acid in the mouth from purging...

Hemorrhoids caused by weakened rectal walls from the strain of purging...
Acute pancreatitis...
Prolapsed bowel as a result of rectal walls being weakened by the strain of purging...
Swollen salivary glands...
Peptic ulcer caused by excess acid in the stomach...
Gastric rupture (ruptured stomach) caused by periods of bingeing...
Esophagitis from purging...
Tear in the esophagus from purging...
Rupture of the esophagus...
Small cuts across the back of the hand due to self-induced vomiting...
Water retention, swelling, and abdominal bloating...
Inflammation of the throat from purging...

And finally, death...
"She was 19 and had anorexia and bulimia for 5 years. Died at 5' 1" (155cm) and 94 lbs (43kg) after her stomach ripped after eating 5.6 liters (pic of stomach contents) of food."
Click below to read the coroner's report on the tragic death of this young girl...
"Have the courage to live. Anyone can die."
~ Robert Cody
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Medusa, I know they're graphic pictures of a scary reality but they're important to see. Thanks for posting about this.
Although at a normal weight for a very long time, I still feel the effects. Last year I was having what I thought were sinus problems and they sent me for a scan. It turned out that my sinus cavity was fine. It was acid reflux. It was so bad that when I was in bed it would come up. It kept waking me up and I was never getting a decent sleep and I was always exhausted. At times my stomache would get so distended that I looked pregnant and it would hurt like crazy. I now take medication for it, but it is costly. I started to have the problem when I began with crazed eating binges and taking laxatives. It went away for years, but came back as I got older. It's true that there's no such thing as a free lunch.
Honey, why the fuck you do these things? It simply does not happen! Honey, did you watch "thin" from hbo, ok? All of them had long histories in eating disorders. Was anybody there with this nasty things? No they weren´t. I have bulimia nervosa for four years. I don´t have ANY complications. My teeth, my heart, everything is okay with me. Do you want people to visit your website? okay, you don´t need all that circus. Write things well and correctly and it will happen normally. These things are ridiculous.
Oh no you didn't, Alice! Just because you have never had any side effects (YET, note the all-capitals) doesn't mean that they don't happen. And "Thin" only focused on a few women, in one facility, in one country, in one part of that country. Just because they didn't show any of these kinds of things doesn't mean they weren't there. It WAS television, after all. Of course not everyone who is bulimic will suffer all or any harmful side effects, but the point is, they DO happen, and bulimia is a DIRECT cause. Do you really want to take that chance, or have others take that chance with their life? By the way, have you had your teeth checked lately???? At the very least, you most probably have tooth damage, and who knows what bulimia will do to you in the future. You could have ulcers or a tear in it's infancy stages right now, and not know it...
Omg, this is so scary. I have been suffering from this disgusting disorder since late november last year (its april now). It has been on and off. I AM absolutely shocked by this last picture. I am never going to do this again. This time, its a promise for myself, not just for my family.
I can't beleive she ate that much.
I hope that never happens to me.
The extent of my overeating has been about 1 cup of oats-in total food content and 3 times that amount in water.
I had no idea your stomach can burst!
That is so scary!!!
Once I drank so much water I thought my stomach would burst. I had to lie on my side and I was just rocking back and fourth trying to get my body to get rid of the water!
I never want to be left by myself. I would hate to burst my stomach like that girl. THAT IS SO SCARY.
Bulimia is so deadly. If you're unable to stop purging on your own, please talk to your doctor and ask him/her to refer you to an eating disorders specialist.
Sending hugs and best wishes on your recovery...
I've been bulimic for over a year now because of a boyfriend I had. But I have a new boyfriend now who likes me for me. I'm 5'6" and 135 pounds so not overweight and although I wouldn't mind being 130 or 125, I don't want to be skinny if I can't do it in a healthy way. Being bulimic becomes an obsession and I'm done being obsessed and I'm ready to actually start living. I made the decision two weeks ago and I haven't felt this good in a year.
Bulimia is not something you can just 'switch off' and stop doing when you have had enough.
I have been bulimic for 35 years and I cannot stop.
I have had so much treatment but nothing works.
Maybe if I had tried to top sooner it would have been different
I didn't seek help until 15 years ago
I cannot find the words to tell you how bad it is, how hard life is, how much I suffer, how dangerous it is, how much I want to stop
To the last poster... I understand your pain somewhat. I have been bulimic for 13 years. Half my life has gone done the toilet, literally. It's a constant struggle... between utter chaos and trying to maintain strict control. I want to help others avoid this horrible life path. I have a young daughter that I'm trying so hard to instill in her the self-awareness I never had. I have such a terrible fear that I will screw this up. I so badly want my kids to feel the happiness that I have let this disease steal away from me.
This makes me want to cry.
I have been bulimic for five and a half years. Every time I try to escape I just get sucked back in. There is no escape.
Alice, you are so pathetic! you must be one special person! "I'm fine" what about those poor people? do you think they were like you "nothing will happen to me, im so special" you remind me of one of the people that causes the disease to start with, so critical of others. I wont lower myself to your standard, you don't need to know anything about me, if I'm bulemic, if i'm not.whatever. but Medusa, THANK YOU for putting stuff like this up, please continue to do so :-)
I've been bulimic for 6 years now - sometimes I stop for a week or two but it always comes back. I'm getting in a lot of pain now... I'm pretty worried but I still can't stop myself
I have been bulimic for about 8 years, my teeth are screwed up, I had to spend $3000 on fixing the decayed teeth within 6 months time. I am cold turkey for about 4 days now...
Those picture gave me more awareness, and scared me to death.
Thanks for posting.
Anonymous on May 22, 2009 11:02 PM...
I'm so happy you've gone 4 days without purging. That is such an accomplishment. Purging is such a deadly addiction.
Sending positive, healing thoughts your way and wishing you all the best on your road to recovery.
Thank you for posting this! I quit bulimia cold turkey for about 4 or 5 months (I forget) and now it's back! I was so stupid for giving in to a stupid urge to eat a bunch of food JUST BECAUSE I WANT TO, not even out of hunger. Gosh, WTF is wrong with me??!!!! I am so strong in every other area of my life, but when it comes to binging/purging, I keep failing and it's ruined my life. I need to stop NOW. Nothing is worth the side-effects you show here!
I have been bulimic since I was about 14-15. I am going to be 29 next month. Life has been an intense struggle for me that nearly killed me several times. I am recently married to an amazing man, that makes me feel like I'm worth something. He loves me so much! He knows about my struggles with an eating disorder, but has no clue I am still bulimic. I am afraid.....I don't want something to happen to me, but don't know how to stop. I binge and purge on a daily basis, sometimes more. I've tried so hard, so many times to stop. I've been in multiple treatment centers, hospitalized, couseling,. . . .etc. I hate what I am and what I do!!!!!! I was married once before to an abusive man that was no support to me, and now I feel like I have a second chance with the man I am married to now. How do I tell him what I'm going through? Will I ever be free? I want to so bad! I hate this thing so much!!!!!
I am a recovering anorexic, and I know that, even though I have purged very rarely (about 10 times a year or so), I know it'd kill me in an instant. I never had real problems with anorexia (except for hunger pangs, of course) and still had my period at a bmi of 14. However, when I was at bmi 18 and purged three days in a row (2 times/day), because I couldn't stand the weight, I lost my period and had heart problems.
Well, just wanna say: Every body reacts differently to bulimia, and it is extremely dangerous. I totally avoid it now, and I think the pictures are helpful.
i've bulimia/anorexia now since 5 years back, i started when i was 10-11 years old, and ye it took me 1 year until i was hozpilated (forced ofcourse, after that have i've been hozpilated 9 times) and i've lost alot of school and lost friends! i've just turned 16 and today are my teeth not beautiful, they are yellow and disgusting! i've self-abused my body so bad that i have been really really close to death because of just the combination of anorexia/bulimia at the same time, so try to stop it because it's a dangerous behavor who i couldnt control!
And you Alice, you dont know what you are talking about when you say that this never happens to bulimic persons!? you're not more special than no other? you have SO WRONG!
Thanks Medusa for this suite!
alot of hugs out there!
Thank you so much for this. These side effects REALLY happen!! I have had most of these and now I think I have esophagus tears. Every time I want to purge, I read this page and I'll admiton my worst days it doesn't stop me but sometimes it does. I have been trying to stop purging for a year (anorexic/bulimic for 5 years) and I'm starting recovery in one month. This website really helps. YOU really help.
I am bulimic. Its started after I went on a starvation diet for 2 years and lots loads of weight. I loved the feeling of being normal and looking sexy. I went from a size 12 to an 8.
I know I am sick. My mom knows, my best friend knows, my fiance knows and my brother knows. Its no secret for me except at work.
The pictures are shocking but they havent stopped me. :(
The bulimic symptons I have are sore throat, swollen glands, late periods, cramps, constipation and hair loss. Ironically I have had these symptoms for so long that i am used to them and often think its just flu coming on.
After doing some research and wanting to stop this obsession with food I find that I have to get medical help - that I cant do this alone. I already am on antidepressants as i suffer from anxiety depression and I may also be bipolar. not a healthy mix anyway...
I have always been slightly bigger that my friends and been body conscience since I was 5. I am what one considers healthy at BMI of 22.
Iam just addited to food. I hate the purging but I love food too much. i feel guilty after binging.
I feel like my hand is stretched out for help but just cant walk through the door.
I feel alone as know one believes i am sick. A comment was that I am not thin so i cant be bulimic... enough said!
Mia sucks...
stop attacking Alice, if she says she's fine, well that's because she is, you guys should get a life and stop being so annoying... u_u
If you want to be against something go kill the guys who are killing our planet, not against other people who's making choices that do not affect anyone else.......
Again, I'm not saying mia is good, but seriously, get a job or something...
I'm trying so hard to be good. It's so hard. I've been bad about 3 times a week for 2.5 years, but now I really want to stop, and have to stop. Finally I found my love and life would be great, just have to leave my old habit. I'm scared to be home alone sometimes. Just few more months and I will live with him and won't have time destroying myself in the evenings.
I had two resolutions for new year: to find a boyfriend and to get thin cheeks. I can't believe I found the one, not just any other boyfriend, but cheeks are still swollen some days, and I just wish to be happy everyday. Life is too short. Why do this to yourself. I'm writing this to convince myself, and maybe I can do it better if I promise to myself on internet where everyone can read. I will never never ever be sick again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Love you all
I sold my soul to this demon a long, long time ago.
I was severly bulimic for about 35 yrs.I have been a normal eater for 9 yrs after a terrifying episode caused me to quit cold turkey.After 9 yrs.,I have suddenly, from 1 day to the next, develpoed gastroparesis.It is difficult trying to explain this as doctors don't seem to have experience with atypical situations. My advice to you is try to stop cold turkey. Eliminate all trigger foods. Cravings wil eventually disappear (at least they did for me. I am not at all obsessed with food anymore and have been slimmer these past 9 yrs than ever before.Unfortunately,I am now paying the piper for my habit.Trust me, there was no one worse than I was so if I could stop, anyone can.
You definitely have discouraged me to binge and purge. I know it's hard to overcome as long as there's food around. However, There's still that split second when I say "I won´t do this"
Thank you Medusa
Thanks so much for taking the time to comment, Blood&Glitter.
Sending best wishes to you in beating that demon called bulimia.
this stuff DOES happen....i've had an eating disorder for 15 years, diagnosed ed-nos because i'm not a binger, but a purger. i have had all of my teeth pulled, the ones that haven't fallen out, have had problems with my stomach when i do actually get the stomach flu.....don't think this stuff can't happen, that is denial!!!! it will happen. what is sad, is the lack of awareness about this issue in main society. i've thrown up blood too many times to count, when i do purge, i feel this intense burning in my chest, every time....it isn't pretty
Oh my gosh! is all that is left for me to say after seeing those pics!
I am on a weight loss programme but the weight isnt coming off as fast as i would like and i just cant stop myself from bingeing on chocolate & other unhealthy foods. But i feel so disgusted with myself just afterwards that i always go to vomit everything i have just eaten. This started happening about 4 weeks ago now and i always feel so much better about myself once i have done it - but seeing this will make me think twice i think! This week things got worse when i went to vomit after only eating pineapple - i cant help it, its like my brain has control over the choices i make and i cant do anything to stop it?
I really need some help to deal with my issues i think!
Glad you posted all those pics though - think this is the first step in helping me to stop this disgusting habit of mine!
Perchè neanche le foto servono a farmi cambiare testa? sono bulimica da 2 anni...ho paura e non ne riesco a uscire...
I had an esophageal tear once, I lived to tell the tale. But it took much longer to stop the disorder all together.
I have been throwing up 90% of my meals(no matter how small)every day since early last year. After seeing this today I never wanted to stop so badly. It started when I was told I had the face and height to be a model, if only I were thin... I have already noticed my teeth have been yellowing and I think I may have an image disorder because I can barely see my 40lb weightloss, but everyone else always comments on how thin I have become. I am honestly really scared. I have tried to stop but I cant help myself when I look in the mirror and I am repulsed by what I see. Thankyou for posting this. I think it might make a difference.
I am recovering from bulimia. I started the horrible disease when I was 12. I am now 18. For many years I tried to stop the horrible addiction but I just couldn't. Now, I am 2 months binge and purpge free. Since stopping I have had an incredible ammount of anxiety and depression. I have been to many doctors because I am affrain that I have done serious damage. This anxiety has been such a struggle but I am staying strong and plan to stay that way. Some enamal has erroded from my teeth as well. This post really scared me, but who ever reads this if you are struggling with bulimia please open up and get help. I didn't for 6 years because I thought people would think I'm gross and see me differently. To my surprise though, people were very understanding and really want to help. This recovery is hard, but i can and will get through it.
My best friend is going to treatment tomorrow. We work together. We both have EDs. She is a size 00, and I am an 8.... I struggle with accepting my bulimia. I can't be diagnosed as such bc of my healthy bmi. A part of me says " you deserve recovery and treatment just as much as her". Most of me says, "no you don't. You're still a fat ass."
Anyway, I have lied to my family and my bf of 4 years. They believe that I sought help and have been successfully recovered for 2+ years. I went to 4 meetings and maybe stopped purging for three months. I never stopped restricting or dieting... I only purge 7-14 times a week
I have two painful sores on the inside of my mouth and I have anxiety attacks and night terrors about my teeth rotting out. I made and appt with my dentist for the end of the week. Crisply bulimia info sights, and seeing this post (I promptly started shaking all over) I am going to seek counseling for treatment.
Thank you.
I am 18 years old I've been throwing up for a year now, I've gone from a size 13 to a size 4 I used to weigh 145, now I'm at 110. I'm 5'7". I used to think I was in control but now bulimia is the one in charge. I know I need help. I went from throwing up full meals to throwing up a handful of grapes. I disgust myself, I want to get better, but my house is full of cookies, ice cream, and chips. I tried throwing them away to not feel tempted to b/p but my parents keep buying more and more, they say to just ignore the food, it's like putting an alcoholic in a house full of booze. I feel my dad especially doesn't understand. I throw away the food and he buys even more. In the end I give in and eat and eat then I rid of it to not gain weight, I need help on getting him to stop, I want to get better I don't want to die, I don't want the people who love me to suffer anymore. I just want to be normal again I would do anything to be able to eat a meal and not want to throw it up. I'm scared to gain weight but I know it has to be done because all I am right now is skin and bones, please if any of you can help do so, I don't want to hit rock bottom then recover, I want to recover TODAY and live the life I so desperately want back
sorry just read this. not trying to come off too bad but after 19 yrs Ya that crap happens.. maybe not all of it at one but you'll slowly see at least. and everyone is different but that doesn't change the fact that a person's heart can only take so much. take it from someone who is now 32 with 3children and I'm dying.. n it's been slow hard so just open your ears doesn't mean you have to take every word. take what you need n leave the rest at the door. but u are better ni would imagine you truly want more for yourself.. just saying..
I'm approaching 30 and have had an eating disorder for 12 years. I began with anorexia and have had three main bouts of that altogether, as well as minor episodes now and then. I've never been hospitalised but I have been very thin and ill and my life has frequently been miserable. Throughout this eleven-year period I have had bulimia too, initially purging up to three times a day. I feel like I am slowly growing out of both sides of my eating disorder, nowadays eating more regularly and purging once every few days or every two or three weeks if I'm lucky, but it makes me so unhappy and ashamed that I am still doing it at all. Sometimes it's because I've binged first and sometimes I've eaten normally but I just can't cope with having food inside me so I get rid of it.
I'm a healthy weight, I have a good diet mostly, I exercise enough, not too much, and look well and I'm trying so hard to accept myself finally. I'm a singer and it's impossible to have enough energy to sing well without eating properly but it's hard to cope with. A healthy weight always seems too high.
I'm worried about my throat because I'm a singer and of course my teeth, which are a little sensitive these days. I've noticed a bit of post-purging bloating too, which until I read this page I assumed was just weight gain. It isn't. I get a lot of indigestion.
A couple of years ago I stopped vomiting. I ate regularly too. I maintained a healthy weight, rather than being fat, and I felt happier and - after a couple of weeks of my stomach recovering - my digestion improved.
I lasted three months.
I have bipolar disorder, which may or may not be connected, and I fell into a depression, which brought on my most recent bout of anorexia. It was about a month into this bout that I began vomiting again. Sometimes it feels like I'll never really escape.
As I had cancer, aged 15, I have regular check-ups and as yet my heart is fine, so I suppose that's something. My bones are still nice and strong too. But the other problems worry me often.
I came to this page in the hope that it would stop me from purging tonight, but I don't think I can cope. I haven't binged exactly but I've had a substantial meal and now I feel disgusting and rotund. The size of my waist and flatness of my stomach are a paranoid obsession of mine. I know that food and weight are merely the ways in which this disease manifests itself but it's so hard not to care. A thinner friend is coming to dinner tomorrow night and I feel so huge next to her.
I wish I could get on with my life. I've wasted so much time being ill.
Thanks for writing this blog, it's a comfort - even though this particular page is scary! - it's nice to know people understand. Thank you for letting me get all the above off my chest.
(((Anonymous))). Thank you for sharing ❤
Just want to say it happens. I am 38 yrs old. Struggled with bouncing back and forth between anorexia and bulimia since i was 10. Mostly recovered since age 32. Still go through hard bouts occasionally. Last year with my dentists help i made the frightening choice to extract all my teeth. Bulimia stripped them of all enamel. Most of them were broken and my gums were. Full of abscesses and infections. This was despite good dental care in the intervening years. Now i am not even 40 and i have dentures. I never believed all the stuff aboutthe harm bulimia could do. But its very very real
My God!! It's fucking scary!! I didn't know that it was so bad. I purge sometimes but I've been trying stop while I have some control.
I am 17 and I have this disorder since I was 13/14, I don't exactly remember when I started doing this, but it happened sometime in my junior high school, when I was called this 'perfect girl' by my friends. They said I am pretty, friendly, smart, talented, etc. But it actually had given me much pressure. Pressure to be perfect. I was so scared I might gain some weight and if I'm fat I won't be adored anymore. I'm obsessed with my appearance and with what people will judge me. I play it cool so no one noticed that behind all of my 'seemed-to-be-very-fine-life' I struggle with this demons eating my body, and soul.
There was several times when I really want to stop this, but it was not that easy. But today, I vomiting blood. I'm scared. I search for the information in the internet and found this site. I am crying right now. I really don't want to die. This gives me so much strength to stop from this disorder.I'm joining a bulimia recovery program now. Thank you so much. This helps a lot..
I've been purging on and off for 8 years now. I'm in my mid twenties and because everything had been ok I thought it always would be. Nope - I've had constant hemorrhoids to the point where parts of skin have permanently come out of my ass over the last year and this week I have a doctors' appointment because there is a huge painful lump now inside which hurts so much I can hardly even sit down. It's like I'm carrying a golf ball around and I know it's because of the bulimia. I just hpe it can be fixed because I can't go on like this.
Yesterday I got told I will die from purging if I carry on the way i am (multiple times a day). I'm really struggling today to stop myself, and this helps. I love my parents. They tried so hard to have me. I can't hurt my body like this. I don't want them to find me dead. Crying so much from resisting the pull to binge and purge. I know this was from ages ago, but you're still helping people like me. Thank you.
Oh, Etta, I'm so sorry you're struggling so much. I wish I could give you a big hug. As each day passes, the urge to binge and purge will lessen, so please hang in there. If you're able to, please get some support from a professional who has experience in eating disorders. You will be taught coping mechanisms. Wishing you all the best and sending love your way. Medusa xoxo
I've been dating a woman in her early 30s, who struggles with bulimia. I guess she's been doing this for the last 14yrs. She used to be a drug addict and stopped 7yrs ago, and is a recovering alcoholic and clean for a little over a year. She comes from a broken home and most of her siblings have kids out of wedlock. I was raised in an ethnic home with very different values. I have never been addicted to these things and never tried drugs or partied with alcohol. Naturally, there's a gab in former lifestyle and I can't relate but I do care about her well being.
She was clean for the last 2 months, but is purging again. On top of that she is pressuring me for marriage and wants to get pregnant this year. She constantly threatens to break up and I unfortunately struggle with copdependency, so I have a hard time either breaking up or allowing her to break up with me. She is not reassuring about fixing her issues and anytime I bring up her bulimia in a marriage, she simply says go find someone else. Its natural I feel nervous. I've read enough about this disease, and it can seriously kill and not to mention a child can learn to mimic this behavior from a parent. Just last week she missed her period by 2 week's, 2 mths ago the dr told her that her thyroid was high and she refuses to get on the meds her doctor prescribed. It seems to me she feels that if we live together, have kids that will somehow stop her by keeping her busy. I disagree and find that to be irresponsible. Additionally, shes cuts hair for a living and her clients tease her EVERYDAY....where is the ring, when are you getting married etc. She then takes it out on me ALL THE TIME! She talks to her sponsor, goes to overeating anonymous meetings. She has all these outlets to vent and then takes it out on me. Personally its very selfish in a way; I want marriage, kids and nevermind I'm a bulimic I'll stop once I'm pregnant. I ask her valid questions such as; do you think you'll purge while pregnant? She replies, of course not. Yet, I can only judge the future based on the present and she binges. On top of that, she comes off bipolar many days and has actually blamed me for stressing her and causing her to purge/binge. Excuse me, but I don't want to be in a marriage walking on eggshells to say anything for fear she may purge. That is emotionally abusive right there.
I'm sorry that all of struggle with this and I only hope and pray that there's hope of overcoming this disease. I only ask for advice from ladies struggling with this and what you think I should do? I'm currently going to therapy to address my insecurities, but my therapist and family don't think she's for my future.
Anonymous, please go to the link below, which is my Facebook page. I've posted your comment there, asking for advice from others who are suffering from EDs. Any responses will be underneath the post. All the best to you.
Ive been restricting and b/ping for 17 years. I am 30 years old with chronic sinusitis,frequent pneumonia, and chest pains. I always feel like I have the flu. I'm always tired. I want so badly to feel healthy and normal but can't seem to go very long without purging. People need to know what their quality of life will be if they go down or continue down this road. Its lonely and painful.
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