
Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Even if you're sure your eating is not disordered, please take a moment to complete this survey. You may be shocked at the results...


  1. Medusa, I just took this quiz and answered as if I was still doing Kimkins. Results were damn scary.

  2. MrsM, I'm so glad Kimkins is behind you.

    So many are still suffering terrible physical and psychological problems from being on that deadly diet.

    Thanks so much for commenting.

  3. The disadvantage of this evaluation is it's for money-making purposes. They want people to believe they have a problem even if they're on the cusp because then they'll seek treatment from them and give them money.


  4. I am in shock, my score was pretty high, but i think im healthy? im so confused now.

  5. (((Anonymous)))

    There are many different ED quizzes online.

    Here is another one you may want to take:

  6. 218...

    oh dear

  7. I took this quiz because my BMI is about 15,6. The result of the quiz was "0". I don´t understand this but maybe it´s because I have DIS. Probably my English is quite bad, I apologize. Thanks.

  8. 221..

    Dear Medusa, I would like to thank you a lot, your site really helps me..
    my BMI is about 16,8 and my biggest problem is I STILL feel fat, no matter if I'm 5lbs over or under my recent weight
    Hope'll be strong enough to tell Ana to leave me alone, because thanks to her -I feel alone.
    Well, thank you again, the stories you put on your blog are just motivating, it helps me a lot

    yours JJ
    (I'm sorry for my bad english)

  9. I'm very confused, i'm sure i don't have an eating disorder. I have a bmi of 22, which is normal, but i got a score of 209 on the quiz?

  10. I'm confused. I got 151, but I'm recovered!

  11. I got 229
    em i going to die???

  12. I got 254 and I know I'm not healthy.

  13. Dear Medusa,

    i just scored 240, its a shame really, ive been fighting with this disease for alil over 5 years now. I am determine to get better, and actually im the best physically that ive been in 3 years. Over the summer i discovered that the only person who can truly help you, no matter how many times they feed you, or how many pills you take, people you talk to, in reality, its only you who can help yourself.

    btw- Im 16 years old and every night i pray that this disease doesnt take my life.

  14. 199?? jeez thats a lil scary. i thought i was getting better...

  15. I Got 204 :(

    Im soooooooooo Fat Though So I Cant Stop !!

  16. I just took this test and I was surprised at how thorough it was compared to alot of online ed tests.

    I scored 232.

    I have an 18 month old son and have had an Ed in some form or another for the last 17 years (I am 27 at present) this is VERY disheartening to me.
    I want to be around for my Son and my worst fear is him losing me or vice versa. He is my Everything.
    But at the same time after so long I just don't know how to stop and be normal with food and my Body.
    I thought I was mostly recovered but now I am disappointed to see I am still considered totally Eating Disordered.

  17. Hmm, makes sense. I didn't gain weight until I had my third son when I was 35. I'm now 43 and had my fourth son two years ago and trying to lose weight and the whole "must starve myself" is crashing down on me. Yikes. Sadly, I feel that my sons could do better than me as a mother. Intellectually, I know better. But, still . . .

  18. I was hoping it would give me a clear diagnosis, I got 240 what does it mean?

  19. 238... Sucks because noone takes me seriously. And with me being on a viscous binge cycle ive gained sooo much weight. If I tell anyone Im bulimic they'll just laugh.

  20. My score is 238... My therapist made me take this test last summer and it wasn't that bad. Ive also gained almost 30lbs since then so I don't understand. Ive just relapsed in the last month. My score shouldn't be this high.
