One of the many fake "after" pictures that Heidi Diaz/Kimmer posted on her Kimkins.con website last year to depict her fraudulent weight loss continues to intrigue me. The picture has never been found and/or the woman identified.
Many posters on the Fascination with Kimmer (FWK) thread on Low Carb Friends searched for the picture but never found it.
So I have decided to have a contest in an attempt to quench my insatiable curiosity.
The person who is able to find the original picture of the mystery woman and provide me with a link or tear-sheet of it in its original form, will win a $25.00 gift certificate from Amazon.com.
So all you super sleuths, start digging :^)

*SNATT: "Slightly/Semi-Nauseous All The Time (a Kimkins-ism," and a "good thing," according to Heidi Diaz, but not in the Martha Stewart kinda way)
Below are photos depicting Heidi’s amazing fatification-thinification-fatification journey from the past to the present:
Pre-2006...The Real Kimmer

The "Patio Chair/Lawn Chair" fake Kimmer
(if anyone recognizes this woman, please leave a comment on this blog post or e-mail me!)

Kimmer...both real pictures
Kimmer's recent photoshopped weight-loss picture on Kimkins:
The real Kimmer from her deposition in the civil suit in November 2007
Picture of the real Kimmer from January 2008
The wonderful and amazing HoneyBee2 posted every one of those fake Kimkins success-story pictures, which were found by the wonderful ladies (Duck Detectives) at Low Carb Friends (LCF), on her blog at LCF.
Click the link below, which will take you to HoneyBee2's blog at LCF, to view Kimmer's fake success-story pictures.
This scam pulled by Heidi Diaz on members of Kimkins, who joined her Kimkins website in the belief that these "amazing" success stories were true, shows just how devious Heidi truly is:
And now a warning to anyone considering joining Kimkins...
The Kimkins diet is a deadly starvation diet created by a fraudulent, lying, evil, remorseless, unconscionable scammer, Heidi Diaz aka Kimmer. Caveat emptor.
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I totally lifted your blog with links to get the word out, love. I would be THRILLED if someone out there can solve this mystery! xxoo
{{{Nancy Ellyn}}} Thank you SO much!
This photo has been a lightning rod for speculation for such a long time, so, like you, I'd be thrilled if someone could find its source.
Here's hoping someone is able to solve the mystery...
I'm still getting traffic from the about.com site looking for her so I'm going to add a link to this http://2big4mysize.wordpress.com/2007/12/02/do-you-know-this-woman/ and maybe one of those new folk might find her.
Somebody on my site suggested it was joni eareckson tada but we never heard back if it was her.
Thanks for your link, 2Big.
I know a few people checked out pics of Joni and came to the conclusion it wasn't her.
Hopefully, with re-posting mystery woman's picture, we'll increase our odds of success in finding her ;^)
I shared this contest with the Cook Anything blog readers, too! I sure hope someone can help because we're obviously looking in the wrong place.
As for the blue sweater, Heidi just wishes she looked like that now. If she hadn't scammed all those people, I would feel sorry for her situation.
OYB, great idea sharing this contest on other blogs :^)
I know the mystery woman is somewhere out there. Let's hope one of our readers will have the answer for us.
It would be such a sweet feeling to finally nail this last fraudulent photo of Kimmer.
I'm going to enlist the help of a few friends.
"Many hands make light work", and all that! :-)
Not completely related to this post, so i apologise!!!
I hadn't heard of Kimkins before so I went to the website to have a look, and checked out the sample menu. And, goodness, that's less food than i ate as an anorexic!!!
Kimkins isn't the first diet that is actually a starvation diet, and unfortunately i don't think it will be the last :( I just hope there aren't too many casualties along the way...
Josie! Great hearing from you :^)
Believe me, your comment is very appropriate for this post.
Many Kimkins members are now battling eating disorders as a result of Heidi Diaz's starvation diet.
Check out this excellent blog post by Mariasols. The pictures say it all:
Again, wonderful hearing from you Josie!
medusa - that doesn't surprise me in the least.
Any diet can trigger an eating disorder, because EDs are triggered by caloric restriction, but a starvation diet such as kimkins is more likely to trigger an ED than a less strict diet such as WeightWatchers.
You might be interested in this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minnesota_Starvation_Experiment This experiment shows that caloric restriction (particularly starvation) triggers eating disorder symptoms (and consequently eating disorders in susceptible individuals) in almost anyone. So Kimkins (and similar diets) would trigger eating disorder symptoms (though not neccessarily a full-blown ED), both physical and psychological, in almost anyone who used it.
I have spent hours searching for the source of that pic. I can't wait until it's found.
Until then, I'm still looking.
Medusa, I registered at TinEye and it checked 701 million images which they say is a small portion of what is on the internet. It didn't find the picture. They are adding images daily, so I am checking back often ...
You and me both, MrsM :^)
Reb, thanks so much for running the picture through TinEye. Hopefully, there will be a match someday soon ::fingers crossed::
Best wishes to all the sleuths! And BRAVA Medusa for funding the reward!
Since Kimmer is allegedly short on funds, maybe you could simply pay her to tell us where she got that photo? :D
Seriously though YAY you for this contest and going the extra mile by offering the reward! I'll volunteer to help foot the bill or add some additional prize -- let me know. I could bake the winner a batch of cookies or something.
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