anonymous has solved the riddle. Check the comments :^)
So, I'm sitting here at my computer, listening to the wind howl like a banshee, and watching the snow pile up outside my window. It's colder than a whore's heart here in the Great White North, and I'm bored. Like, really bored.
And when I'm bored, I start thinking. Hmmm, who is Just Ducky?
I did some digging and think I may have found the answer.
If you're as bored as I am and want to do some sleuthing, I'm going to give you a few clues, but to challenge you a bit, I'm going to bury an important clue in this post. Sound like fun?
And rightnow that's all I'm going to tell you.
So put on your Sherlock Holmes' deerstalker hat and start digging. See if you come to the same conclusion I have.
Feel free to post your findings in the comment section. Happy hunting.
UPDATE!Be sure to read these great posts:
Follow on Buzz
But I thought Ducky was a group of people. You are saying this is one of them?
Oh, like an Easter Egg Hunt! Or a Duck Egg Hunt!
If you read Amyb's blog, TT thinks (or thought) it is Yucky. Yucky is Ducky.
Nah ...
Mariasol, I think Ducky's blog initially started off as a group effort but one Duck emerged as the leader/vetter/Big Kahuna of the flock.
LOL, Prudentia!
Hope no one finds a rotten egg during their Duck Egg Hunt.
And Yucky being Ducky? ROFLMAO!
Ducky is Deni?
bluesuede! Great hearing from you.
No, Ducky is definitely not Deni.
Deni would never have left such a caustic comment as Ducky did to YY.
I see where you might have thought it was Deni because of the "denigrate" clue. You'll have to dig a little deeper.
Well, I was hoping it wasn't Deni and I was thinking the answer was too obvious, so I'm going back to pick up my shovel ...
WOW! Anonymous, you are some sleuth! Congratulations!!!!
Yes, you definitely deserve a prize and I will send you one.
Now, where do I send those new PJs?
Well, I wondered why you didn't have a space between rightnow. Great clue.
Now, are you going to tell us why you think that Ducky is rightnow?
Absolutely, bluesuede.
I'm working on a post rightnow :^)
You sure anonymous isn't rightnow? lol...man, I missed the clue!
LOL, Kat!
anonymous sent me an e-mail immediately after posting her comment.
I can confirm that anonymous is definitely not rightnow.
I will be updating my post this evening.
Company just arrived.
A riddle?! I missed it ... like somebody said, time flies ...
I still don't know who Ducky is. I thought he was a he. Or a they.
Anyway, veddy intellestink! But "denigrate"? That's a totally racist word :( How about "besmirch" instead?
Medusa, it's still winter up there where you rule?! Poor dear. One word -- Dixie. We almost never have that kind of snow, and if we do it's usually soon replaced by warm blue skies.
Yucky, "denigrate" isn't racist!!!!
Its Latin root is "niger" meaning black (Oxford Dictionary).
Ergo, "blacken the reputation of," "defame," "to cast aspersions on."
English class is now dismissed.
"Anyway, veddy intellestink! But "denigrate"? That's a totally racist word :( How about "besmirch" instead?"
WOW - you really are whacked!
Medusa can you please see if anybody recognizes the IP and email address attached to the comment left by "Heidi".
hmm, brb I didn't catch the email address in the copy.
anonymous...re your usage of the word "whacked" in your comment.
"Whacked" is used to describe the following:
(a) stoned
(b) murdered, Mafia-style
(c) far out
(d) crazy
I'm going to believe the meaning you were ascribing to "whacked" is(c) above.
oh, there is no email address attached to Heidi's comment. hmm!
Anyway, thanks.
"Medusa can you please see if anybody recognizes the IP and email address attached to the comment left by "Heidi".
Yucky, I searched that IP and this is what came up:
Anyone recognize this IP or know anyone who lives in Anchorage, Alaska, who might have left the Heidi comment on Yucky's blog?
Re "denigrate." Note to Yucky Not Ducky -- you simply MUST remember to plaster smiley faces all over things you intend in jest! Making inappropriate jokes -- however snicker-inducing they may be -- is NO excuse for failure to abide by official guidelines regarding the utilization of smilies. Get thee to a punnery!
Question: Do we know anybody in Alaska?
Answer: I don't know, but Alaska!
(uhm ok I'm giddy from four Reese's Pieces Easter Egg candies)
Far out, Dr. Quacky!
Peace, man.
I often wondered if Rightnow was Ducky, but I thought Hevinmonkey might be Ducky too. They were both so active on the FWK threads, then they went *poof* all of a sudden and weren't really heard from again.
Of course, I kind of went quiet too when school started back up -- but I was never that big of a poster.
-- BTW: This is zbunny and I'm definitely not Ducky
For those just chiming in and wondering, only one place that I know of privately discussed the question of whether ducky was/is PJ/rightnow.
Guess where that was?
Guess who had access to that?
And now, here again, taking something from within that place, is someone using something from private areas she promised she would not breach confidence of - foisted upon you all and you're falling for it.
For the record, the group not to be named, that has no name, already conclusively found PJ is NOT ducky.
But have your fun if you must - this is an old item that was already resolved privately!
To anonymous who posted on March 21, 2008 8:07 PM
????? I truly have no idea what you're talking about.
However, your statement that there was "only one place" that "privately discussed the question of whether ducky was/is PJ/rightnow" is patently ridiculous, wouldn't you say? I rather suspect you do not have the gift of omniscience.
I can assure you that the only information I had was the e-mail address of mommy703@... which was attached to the comment left by Just Ducky @ YY's blog.
My reply to bluesuede at 7:33 PM this evening shows how I arrived at my conclusion that rightnow is Just Ducky. I had no information to go on, other than the e-mail address.
But thank you for your acknowledgement that this matter had been previously discussed within some special club. That adds credence to my belief that PJ is, in fact, Just Ducky.
Based on my research, I beg to differ with the conclusion reached by the members of the elite, super-dooper, whoop-de-doo, betty-boop group/loop/troop to which you refer.
In my opinion, all paths lead to rightnow.
Anonymous, I can assure you that the person you are insinuating has not even remotely suggested that PJ is Ducky. I'd love to know which one of you led the others to the conclusion that PJ is NOT Ducky, though ... alas, I know, you are sworn to never tell.
BTW, I don't blame you for not wanting that group name uttered in public. I Googled it. Wowzer!
However, your statement that there was "only one place" that "privately discussed the question of whether ducky was/is PJ/rightnow" is patently ridiculous, wouldn't you say? I rather suspect you do not have the gift of omniscience.
Oh, you're smooth...taking out the "that I know of" part.
Smooth and wrong about PJ/rightnow being ducky...but keep trying, this is amusing. Especially since Honeybee is over buzzing on her blog that ducky is kimmer!
ROFLMAO at all this!
anonymous @ March 21, 2008 11:14 PM:
Now you've got me ROFLMAO!
Even with the inclusion of "that I know of," your statement still reeks of omniscience and self-importance.
I'm delighted that this is all so amusing to you. It truly is a Good Friday, no?
Hey, anon, if you really want a kick, go read AmyB's blog ... there Tippy says that Yucky is Ducky :)
Glad you are so easily entertained ...
Surely Just Ducky left several IPs over at Yucky's blog.
Surely somebody has a clue of what rightnow/PJ's IP is.
Why is this so hard?
Anonymous said: For those just chiming in and wondering, only one place that I know of privately discussed the question of whether ducky was/is PJ/rightnow....[...]..
Honeybee: Since, this group was private and you personally know what was discussed, then it is safe to say that you belonged to that group. I think you may have just broken rule 101 by mentioning anything discussed in said group, by the way. But thanks, because that helps narrow things down a bit.
Anonymous says:..[..]..but keep trying, this is amusing. Especially since Honeybee is over buzzing on her blog that ducky is kimmer!
Honeybee:Wrong and how obtuse of you to say as much. Not once did I say Ducky was Heidi Diaz. In fact I said -I don't know who Ducky is for sure.
Maybe you got confused during your rolling and laughing in the floor.. But Heidi's name came up in a post in the comment section. In reply to that comment I quoted a post that Heidi Diaz had made. In that quote Heidi had told someone to get professional treatment/mental help.
The quote was used to show the irony of Ducky's comment, not to imply that they are one in the same person, that is absurd.
So buzz off.
I had to google to find this blog, after someone wrote me a rather cryptic email about it.
Medusa, I'm not sure if you have some other real name somewhere (so I don't know who I'm talking to really), but theoretical posting on secret identities is sure more fun when it's actually correct. :-) Instead of revealing something, you've just done harm to my reputation (and I'm innocent).
Worse, I do NOT link all my websites publicly because I operate in a highly political environ in places where my weight would be used against me socially in a major way. So now you've done so, after I've tried not to do that anywhere on the web. Aside from a forum-name (rightnow, because "pj" is too short for most forums to accept as a username), I use my real name (pj) everywhere (and I use it on most posts even under the rightnow alias).
Whoever 'ducky' might be, and I think I've seen this alias somewhere in the past -- it is definitely not me.
Someone claimed to also be a single mom (hmmn, that's rare?), and in a single post somewhere used A WORD, "denigrate", that I used years ago in a page on an unrelated website, and you think we both have a brain, so it must be me? I hope you are never on a jury! I read these comments... it's like you're determined that it MUST be me, which since it's not, makes me wonder--it's not YOU, is it? The best way to pawn a "secret identity" safely away is to find someone else and convince everyone it belongs to them, lol.
Now what I see is this: You have my email on my main blog (The divine low carb), you have my contact form on my home page, you have my email and contact form from various other websites, plus my journal at lowcarber.org is public and linked from my blog. And at no time did you ever once write me and ask me about this. Not once. You just repeatedly post insisting that obviously it's me.
Now how fair do you think this is? First you accuse me of being someone I'm not, which merely ties my good reputation to something I have no part of, and then you post my weight stuff alongside all my personal and hobby stuff for the world and search engines. Thanks so much for the ruin-obliterate internet job on me, for the sole reason that... I exist, and you're a jerk who would rather do all that, publicly, than write me one simple email or blog comment or journal note and ASK.
Aside from a rare quip on lowcarber.org now and then related to the kimkins thing--those might number "a few" in the last six months, a search would be easy--I have not posted anywhere on the internet related to this subject that I can think of for a very, very long, and I have never (ever) posted under an alias called "ducky". I only have two names in lowcarb: rightnow, a forum login, and PJ, my abbreviated firstname which I go by even offline with many people.
A very long time ago, I created a blog (with like 2 posts) called "Kimorexia", which I never used beyond posting an initial offer for people to use it who wanted to post info about what, at the time, seemed like it needed a public outlet. I gave that blog away a long time ago to someone who removed my posts and remade it into a 'real' and active blog. Although I still cannot see any possible link from someone's cutesy alias to mine in this confusion, I can verrrrrrrry remotely wonder if it's possible that somewhere in that history, some confusion happened about who was who. This seems unlikely, but I'll keep it in the realm of possibility--the current owner should vouch for that change.
This is exactly why keeping "secret" the existence of groups and what they discuss privately is important....so that you can check things out in private and not slander innocent people publicly on a "hunch" you are on to something.
It's called taking responsibility for your actions. Something the witch hunt, intent on somehow proving PJ/rightnow is ducky completely lacked.
But that's what happens when you don't have enough integrity to honor a promise not to talk about that group or what it considered behind the scenes, that's what happens when you fail to maintain any confidentiality, including an email address of someone clearly on the same side as those working to bring Kimmer to justice...you wind up going off, half-cocked, slandering an innocent person in public.
For what end? Does it even matter who ducky is/was?
Maintaining the confidentiality of the group isn't about ego, it's about protecting the innocent...because hey, we've all had crazy ideas, but they've not seen the light of day publicly because they didn't have basis in fact.
But here you all are ready to claim PJ/rightnow is ducky based on what? She used the word denigrate? Good lord - alert the press, Merriam-Webster is ducky!
As she said, you've now hurt her reputation publicly.
How do you feel if you've hurt her in a way that impacts her finances to take care of her child or her home or herself?
Oh yeah, you're all so smart...but didn't bother considering the implications of your actions! But hey, you did have your sluething fun, didn't you?
bluesuede said, "Now, are you going to tell us why you think that Ducky is rightnow?"
NOTE: All links have been removed to protect the innocent.
It is also my belief that one other high-profile member in the anti-KK community occasionally posted as Just Ducky. For the time being, that individual shall remain nameless.
March 21, 2008 7:33 PM
You still need to trash the links (the comment itself) used to try to prove PJ/rightnow is ducky! Why not just trash this thread since it's wrong to have any hint that PJ/rightnow is ducky when she's not!
To what end does it serve to out the duckster?
Have you no shame? Aren't you going to apologize for libeling PJ's name and reputation?
Good morning, PJ. Thank you for writing.
I will address a few of your comments:
"Instead of revealing something, you've just done harm to my reputation (and I'm innocent)."
How on earth have I harmed your reputation by conjecturing that you are Just Ducky, the highly revered and idolized anti-KK blogger? Please enlighten me on how your reputation has been harmed. If anything, being "accused" of being Just Ducky is a compliment of the highest order.
"Worse, I do NOT link all my websites publicly because I operate in a highly political environ in places where my weight would be used against me socially in a major way. So now you've done so, after I've tried not to do that anywhere on the web."
PJ, I am not a super sleuth. I found the links I posted in the comment section here (which I have since removed to allay your fear that they would deleteriously affect you) by clicking on the links in your signature on both LCF and ALC. If you wish to keep your identity secret, I would suggest removing those signature links.
"Whoever 'ducky' might be, and I think I've seen this alias somewhere in the past -- it is definitely not me."
"I hope you are never on a jury!"
I agree. I'm sure it would be a hung jury :^)
"I read these comments... it's like you're determined that it MUST be me, which since it's not, makes me wonder--it's not YOU, is it? The best way to pawn a "secret identity" safely away is to find someone else and convince everyone it belongs to them, lol."
LOL! Could be. You never know :^)
"Now what I see is this: You have my email on my main blog (The divine low carb), you have my contact form on my home page, you have my email and contact form from various other websites, plus my journal at lowcarber.org is public and linked from my blog. And at no time did you ever once write me and ask me about this. Not once. You just repeatedly post insisting that obviously it's me."
I'm sure that had I written you, PJ, and asked if you were Just Ducky, even if you were you would have denied it, so that would have been an exercise in futility.
"Now how fair do you think this is? First you accuse me of being someone I'm not, which merely ties my good reputation to something I have no part of, and then you post my weight stuff alongside all my personal and hobby stuff for the world and search engines. Thanks so much for the ruin-obliterate internet job on me, for the sole reason that... I exist, and you're a jerk who would rather do all that, publicly, than write me one simple email or blog comment or journal note and ASK."
See my response above, PJ. I only followed the links in your signature.
PJ, to be thought of as Just Ducky is not a slur...it is a compliment. I have removed all links to your blogs and sites, and hope you will do the same in your signature line so that no one follows the trail like I did.
BTW, I think you are bloody brilliant and loved reading your writings.
March 22, 2008 5:53 AM
Anonymous said...
Do I get a prize? Like, maybe a new set of PJ's?
March 21, 2008 1:49 PM
You should remove your "hints" in the post itself - they still implicate PJ!
Medusa, I hope you wonder when Mimi will turn on you, given the fact she provided you with Ducky's email address, and started this mess!
It is one more example of her half-assed attempts at doing something that winds up hurting someone because no one steps up and says "mimi that isn't a good idea" or "mimi what end does this serve?"
But that is Mimi and how she operates. Just wait. One day you'll get it when you find yourself at the wrong end of one of Mimi's schemes!
I'm delighted that this is all so amusing to you. It truly is a Good Friday, no?
Back atcha!
In my opinion, all paths lead to rightnow.
In my opinion, all paths lead to rightnow.
Protecting the innocent?
I only followed the links in your signature.
Intent to prove you were right, when you were wrong...and putting someone out there, for all to see, who was innocent. Brillant job Medusa. Now we all see you're as dimwitted as Meme is, and as bored silly as she is too.
"CrazyKitty said...
"...you wind up going off, half-cocked, slandering an innocent person in public."
Slandering PJ by speculating she is Just Ducky? Oh, please. It is a compliment. See my response to PJ.
"For what end? Does it even matter who ducky is/was?"
Just call me curious.
"As she said, you've now hurt her reputation publicly."
I think not. See my response to PJ.
"How do you feel if you've hurt her in a way that impacts her finances to take care of her child or her home or herself?"
Oh, please. See my response to PJ.
"Oh yeah, you're all so smart...but didn't bother considering the implications of your actions! But hey, you did have your sluething fun, didn't you?"
Yes, absolutely.
"Oh yeah, you're all so smart...but didn't bother considering the implications of your actions! But hey, you did have your sluething fun, didn't you?"
medusa: Yes, absolutely.
Absolutely had fun at PJ's expense?
Have you NO SHAME?
Obviously you don't, otherwise you would have aplogized properly and asked PJ to forgive your indiscretion, on this the day before the highest Holy day of the year.
To all who believe I have slandered, libelled, sullied, and harmed PJ's reputation, I want you to think about this...
I don't know of one single anti-KKer who didn't hold Just Ducky in the highest regard.
My speculation that PJ was Just Ducky is the ultimate compliment.
PJ is a brainy, witty, funny, and extremely interesting woman, just the type of individual who fits, in my humble opinion, the profile of Just Ducky.
Yours truly,
anonymous said:
"Medusa, I hope you wonder when Mimi will turn on you, given the fact she provided you with Ducky's email address, and started this mess!"
I thought we have moved beyond the "Blame Everything on Mimi Day". Where does it say in the Bloggers Handbook (that I still do not have a copy of) that you are not allowed to share email addresses that are openly provided when posting a comment?
Thank you, Mariasol...
I was just typing a response to anonymous addressing that topic, but your response is so much better than mine.
Again, thank you.
I probably would've really liked you if I hadn't first met you because someone told me you were accusing me of being someone else. I like the medusa pic.
The irony is, I still am not sure what it is that ducky is saying that allegedly was me. So until your response to me I wasn't even sure if ducky was pro-KK, anti-KK, or something else entirely. I'm not involved in this topic beyond posts many many eons ago internet time, and beyond the rare but occasional thread at lowcarber.org. So a lot of stuff you guys refer to like everyone knows... I don't.
Thank you for removing the links. Some were on my sig but not all-- some are to a specifically different topic online that I've kept away from LC entirely and would not link directly to. I appreciate that you took those down and I realize to you there's probably no big diff between them. It is not so much a big secret with me so much as "dots I make a point not to link together". Any sleuth could find #3 from #2 but they wouldn't find it from #1 if you see what I mean.
Eventually I will get over 17 years of insane prejudice because of my weight and be happily willing to announce it publicly to total strangers maybe... but so far I haven't quite evolved to that point. In fields where the social politics are ruthless, and where for years I've been the only person sometimes willing to go public and say plainly what needs saying about some fraud or cult leader, when they have money and media and lots of minions to attack me back -- well you can see that adding my size into the equation just wouldn't be a good outcome.
I promise I always use my own identity everywhere -- I am PJ everywhere (rightnow on forums, as PJ is too short for a username, but I sign with PJ even there), even when I don't link my sites together -- I've never been shy about being opinionated, so no reason for me to hide.
I might add, if I chose to hide somewhere, given I'm a programmer and former IT person, I know how to do this in at least 40 ways, none of which would involve "secretly posting under an alias while using MY OWN EMAIL that is in plain sight on my blog", LOL!!!
I see that this spiraled out pretty fast, as things are wont to do. I appreciate your response and I am just going to consider this a misunderstanding... they happen. Bit of a bummer when they happen publicly, but... well, we live, we learn, is the way of it. I hope if you or anyone else sees any reference to my identity somehow behind assumed as someone else's anywhere else on what seems to be a kimkins-web-matrix, you'll point out that it is not me. Thanks. :-)
"I probably would've really liked you if I hadn't first met you because someone told me you were accusing me of being someone else. I like the medusa pic."
LOL! Thanks, PJ :^)
And thank you for your candid and heartfelt response.
You have many friends who came to your defence immediately, many of whom expressed righteous indignation at my thinking that you were Just Ducky. I want to believe that they, too, did not realize that Just Ducky started the anti-KK ball rolling at the beginning of the Kimkins debacle.
For any upset that I have caused you, I sincerely apologize.
And some day, I hope to get a chance to discuss RV with you. You are one cool and very smart chick.
Peace out :^)
So would someone from the "group not to be named" care to explain why PJ's email address was used for the "Just Ducky" comment on Yucky's blog? You can just make up an email, so why use one that goes to a person that has been involved, even if marginally and not recently, in the kimkins drama?
So would someone from the "group not to be named" care to explain why PJ's email address was used for the "Just Ducky" comment on Yucky's blog? You can just make up an email, so why use one that goes to a person that has been involved, even if marginally and not recently, in the kimkins drama?
Pardon my snark...but duh, the email address is NOT PJ's. Get it now?
Anonymous says "wondering, only one place that I know of privately discussed the question of whether ducky was/is PJ/rightnow."
lol sorry but how exactly is it that you know what's being discussed in every single behind the scenes groups and private email loops?!
The simple fact is, you DON"T know. So, sorry to burst your little eye-of-God bubble there.
Addendum to my previous post -- the arrogance of certain people who seem to truly honestly believe that they know all and see all, that they and only they are privy to certain behind the scenes discussions about certain behind the scenes topics, just floors me!
Anonymous says "someone using something from private areas she promised she would not breach confidence of"
Excuse the heck out of me but I don't recall the matter of "who's Ducky" or Pj or Rightnow or whatever being discussed in confidence in the BoJ group. Maybe it was and I don't recall. The fact remains however that to the best of my knowledge the ONLY thing I've "breached the confidence of" is the NAME of the group.
And as I've asked repeatedly, what is the big deal about that NAME?
Did revealing the name interfere with the lawsuit?
Did revealing the name interfere with the state and/or federal investigation?
Did revealing the name somehow bestow upon Heidi some sort of magical powers to defeat the Law?
If not, then what IS the big deal?
Back to this matter of who's Ducky and what has been discussed about that, and WHERE it has or hasn't been discussed -- please, get over yourself. You really think the BoJ is the only place where that's ever been discussed? Good grief! You really think during all this time nobody except you and the Babes has EVER put two and two together to posit various scenarios as to PJ or Rightnow or Heidi or any number of other people being Ducky?
My gosh, the arrogance, the preening exclusivity, it's astounding.
Prudentia -- you GOOGLED something? You dug & found stuff and then put that together with other stuff and arrived at a conclusion that seems reasonably certain to you?! OMG! Don't you know that's not allowed? No no, dearie, only the superduper supersecret submarine subversive subgroup is allowed to use their brains.
Only the elite few know how to Google. They've attended SuperDuper Secret Subgroup Googling classes, and have been certified in Googling as well as both Deductive and Inductive Reasoning, Advanced Theorizing, and assorted other things and nobody else is authorized to engage in such practices.
Shame on you, Prudentia, and everyone else who has dared to Google, dared to figure things out or even ATTEMPT to figure things out. Shame!
Yours is not to reason why. Yours is but to sit in the corner like the vapid dunces you are, while the REAL antikimkins activists decide what Is and what Isn't, and oh my gosh if you dare to do the math yourself you shall be Frowned At.
Medusa says "How on earth have I harmed your reputation by conjecturing that you are Just Ducky, the highly revered and idolized anti-KK blogger? Please enlighten me on how your reputation has been harmed. If anything, being "accused" of being Just Ducky is a compliment of the highest order."
FWIW (little, I'm sure) I totally agree, Medusa -- if Ducky is such a wonderful thing to be, then it would be a COMPLIMENT to be "accused" of Being Ducky.
How exactly is complimenting somebody harming their reputation?
Personally I have no idea, no "proof" that the person calling himself/herself "Just Ducky" and used the email address "Mommy703" at my blog, is a real person, a sock puppet, or somebody using that email address -- I think I've made that quite clear.
The only Rightnow I even vaguely remember was a poster at ALC and talked about how the squirrels had devoured some flower bulbs.
That's perhaps a stupid thing to remember but too bad, because it's all I remember or think I remember about the person who used the screenname Rightnow.
If I ever heard of PJ I don't at the moment remember. I don't know anything about PJ or who she is, how much she does or doesn't weigh or anything else about her.
If she's the Paula Jayne who started the fascination threads then that's very cool, those have been fascinating threads indeed and so again how is being PJ some sort of insult or ruination of her reputation?
Anonymous says "given the fact she provided you with Ducky's email address, and started this mess"
Wait a minute, I thought you just said Mommy703 is NOT Ducky.
I had a question as to who the Mommy703 could be and as happens frequently when I have a question about people, whoever they are, and email addresses and IP addresses and various other bits of stuff, I commit the terrible crime of asking people for feedback, information, etc. Not always but often. And ALMOST without fail, I start googling immediately.
I've never seen the Mommy703 email address before, and certainly was surprised to see it attached to those comments which were signed "Just Ducky" so I googled and sent out requests for feedback to various people -- "Do you recognize this name? this email? This IP address? this style of writing" etc.
Are you trying to say that you've never done the same? You've never encountered a name or email address that was unfamiliar to you, so you asked some friends whom you thought might recognize it?
You've never logged an IP address and asked friends with stat counters if they'd ever logged that same IP address?
And like I said, if Mommy703 isnt "the real Just Ducky" then what exactly is the problem?
Anonymous says " Brillant job Medusa. Now we all see you're as dimwitted as Meme is, and as bored silly as she is too"
First of all, Medusa is not dimwitted. But of course you already know that, but you're having as much fun insulting her as other people (including me) have enjoyed insulting you and other people, so hey, whatever.
As far as being bored, I have no idea whether Medusa is bored but I do know that I'm not. Hard as it may be to believe, I've never in my life been bored. Ever. My short attention span helps prevent boredom. My fascination with way too many topics prevents boredom. My inability to not enjoy nearly everything also helps prevent boredom.
Antsy, I've been at times. Restless, scattered, unproductively prone to doing stupid crap and dealing with all that in a less than intelligent way. Sure. But bored? No.
Thinking... one big, big thing that stands out to me is, the difference, maybe the main difference between some people.
Medusa and HB and Mariasol and MJR and others, and I hope myself also -- the difference between them and some other people is, when we post about something, or comment about something, we do so with our honest, heartfelt opinions and what we believe, truly believe to be the correct information at the time.
Unlike Medusa, Mariasol, HoneyBee, MJR and others, I with shame confess that often my honest heartfelt opinions are delivered from an attitude of snarkiness, bitchiness, unkindness, etc.
Too often when I post what I truly believe to be the correct information, I post it for the wrong reasons -- out of arrogance, or a hard heart, or because I love "getting the scoop" or feeling important or valuable for having some information.
And too often I've used that information to be unkind, bitchy, snarky, whatever.
But these others here -- especially Medusa, since this is her blog -- and HB and Mariasol and MJR and Prudentia and others, who have been insulted and accused of various icky things for simply defending a friend who stupidly and selfishly decided to pitch a fit about some stuff -- these people aren't like me.
They don't post or blog or comment out of bitchiness.
And they're not like certain other people. Medusa and others here, they're honest, they don't play mindgames, they don't hide behind personal agendas and seek to impose their will or their demands on their fellow Ducks by telling them what they should and shouldn't be blogging about.
Anonymous says "given the fact she provided you with Ducky's email address, and started this mess"
Wait a minute, I thought you just said Mommy703 is NOT Ducky.
Yucky, buy yourself a clue - the Mommy703 email address may have been used for Just Ducky, but is not PJ's email address! You provided the email address attached to the Just Ducky comment on your blog, and you and/or others ran with it as being that for PJ/rightnow, when it's not hers!
Medusa and HB and Mariasol and MJR and others, and I hope myself also -- the difference between them and some other people is, when we post about something, or comment about something, we do so with our honest, heartfelt opinions and what we believe, truly believe to be the correct information at the time.
Here's an idea for ya - try establishing as fact before speculating next time!
But these others here -- especially Medusa, since this is her blog -- and HB and Mariasol and MJR and Prudentia and others, who have been insulted and accused of various icky things for simply defending a friend who stupidly and selfishly decided to pitch a fit about some stuff -- these people aren't like me.
They don't post or blog or comment out of bitchiness.
The brown ring around your neck, from being so far up each others' asses, is truly disgusting!
Anonymous said...
"The brown ring around your neck, from being so far up each others' asses, is truly disgusting!
March 25, 2008 2:44 PM"
Your scatologically-laced comment only confirms that your cranium is deeply imbedded in the dark confines of the lower tract of your own alimentary canal. How's the view?
ewww, ewwww.
Is Kimmerexia Ducky? Just wondering, because the IP addresses are the same and YES I KNOW that's no proof of anything, ok, I'm just WONDERING. It's ok to wonder, isn't it? Is that still legal? Or has that been placed on the Official NoNo List?
Aside from the IP thing, what leads me to ask about Kimmerexia is the rude comment Kimmerexia posted at Ducky's blog the other day, in reply to what seems to be a rather nice person asking a polite question.
Is Kimmerexia the same person as Kimorexia? ::confused::
"yucky said...
Is Kimmerexia the same person as Kimorexia? ::confused::"
Yucky, OhYeahBabe took over the dormant Kimorexia blog in late December 2007, after receiving permission from its original author for its takeover.
I can say unequivocally that Kimorexia/OhYeahBabe is NOT Kimmerexia.
"I can say unequivocally that Kimorexia/OhYeahBabe is NOT Kimmerexia."
Thanks for clearing that up, Medusa.
So "Kimorexia" you know.
But who is "Kimmerexia"?
Anonymous says "Here's an idea for ya - try establishing as fact before speculating next time!"
Hey that's a great idea. In fact, it's such a great idea that I can't help wondering where the Kimkins investigation would be if during the past year or so, people had refrained from speculation. "Don't mention anything you've noticed, thought about, realized, discovered, or uncovered. Don't mention it to another living soul or confer with anybody or compare notes or share information or questions or theories, and don't discuss and try to figure out what it all means and whether it fits in anywhere, because that's speculation, and speculation is Not On The List. Speculation is Not Allowed. Only Established Facts are allowed. If you don't have Established Facts, you must refrain from posting, anywhere, anytime, to anyone."
Yeah that's some infallible logic ya got goin' on there.
"Yucky said...
But who is "Kimmerexia"?
Haven't the foggiest.
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