Check out HoneyBee's blog!
MJR's post here: Agentlefawn?
And POOF!, Fawn's blog is gone. Guess her "journey" got sidetracked, once again.

Please take a moment to read the comments at the bottom of this post, especially the comment just left by Jeanessa.

Fawn, I know you've been busy today decluttering your blog and drinking copious amounts of water, but I wanted to interrupt your new-found serenity by passing on a message to you from Yucky that just arrived moments ago:
"Fawwwwwn" says "I am not one of those passive people" ... "It is not in my nature to be meek and mild" .... "This passive/agreessive bs that people play... I don't play" ....
So why are you listed on the BDSM websites as a "subbie" and signing yourself as, among other things, "a gentle fawn" ?
And by the way, there's nothing "classy" about that "lifestyle" -- as a human being, as a woman, as a person of African descent, and as an AMERICAN, I am disgusted and ashamed of you and everybody like you.
But what did we expect? After all, you've shown everyone your TRUE color -- and that color isn't black, it's a color called SHAME, and you showed us all that color by your months of groveling, drooling, FAWNING over a known scammer, an evil sadist who doesn't give a damn about anything good and anything decent.
All she cares about is being evil, and you worshipped her -- my bet is that you still worship her and that you're working for her over at Tippy's now, trying to convince people how "easy" it is to get a refund from Heidi -- so easy, so quick! Ignore that icky ol' lawsuit, huh. "
See the comments section of this post for Yucky's original comment.
Comments, Fawn?
Kimkins Exhausted...A Satirical Look at the Kimkins Debacle
Fawn.. The Journey Continues
For those looking for Fawn's original blog post entitied "Criminal Investigation" and her lengthy response to my comment on her blog, Fawn.. The Journey Continues , her post and comment vanished into thin air this afternoon.
Fawn must be doing some decluttering and spring cleaning :^)
In response to a comment I left on her blog last evening, Fawn posted this response this morning:
"Fawn .. The Journey Continues has left a new comment on the post "Criminal investigation":
Warning: I tend to type a LOT*
My reply at 6:41 am Colorado time
Medusa, thank you for your post and I posted it because it wasnt long and drawn out. You gave me 3 short questions of which I will answer.
I will try to answer calmly without using foul language which is a habit of mines because seriously I usually do NOT mince with words. So I will answer Without getting all 'boys in the hood' if ya know what I mean....
Now that the situation is handled I feel better.. let's just say that.
what is happening?
Let's just say someone used something of mines without permission.
Is someone threatening you?
Medusa, it was sweet of you to ask me and look out for me and I know you and I have never spoken on the phone so it is natural not to know my personality but let me share this with you "openly" please. And please bear with me as my writing tends to be detailed orientated and I put my cards on the table so there is NO quessing what I am thinking.
here goes:
People may think this has nothing to do with color but I assure you, it does... at least in MY mindset it does.
Ebony people do NOT play around..well most don't and I am one of the Most.
I am not one of those passive people, or one of those policitally correct people who tell people what they want to hear. I am straight UP and genuine.
I got my peoples, like I am sure we all do. I don't drag sh-t out. If there is a problem or an injustice we act swiftly. None of this baby momma crap. I deal with with it immediately, problem solve and move on. Seriously.
I choose not to go into detail, as that is my right to do so but let's just say that things were brought to my attention, I contacted my people and it was handled swiftly. We DO NOT mess around. TG I have friends in high authority places and I will leave it at that.
Case in point.....
One time I was driving in Colorado on my way to the movies and I was running a bit late and I hate to be late. The person in front of me was dragging their a-- of deciding which wasy to turn and I honked my horn. This person in turn let me pass by and yelled out the window " what the F--- is your problem"
Don't you know that I stopped my car mid-way in the intersection and turned my a-- around and went into persuit.
We stopped at the next light and I took me a-- OUT of my car and went to theirs. Yes there was three people in the car but do you think I gave a f---? Hell no, I yelled at them to get the hell out of the car and face me.
no bs.... this is me.
The person closest to me rolled up her window in fear and the male driver would not get out the car and the one in the backseat scooted away from the window closest to me.
The light turned and they drove off. I got back in my car and calmed down, heart racing, ready to fight. (that's what I mean by boys in the hood).
Generally speaking....... when I share that you all, handle things one way and we handle it another way... that's how we are and I cannot be more open and honest then that, seriously. It is not in my nature to be meek and mild. It is in my nature to be kind to people that may need help or uplifting so to speak BUT try to jump in my koolaid, girl please... its ON then.
so my reply: No one who knows me well, would ever dare every threaten me. And if people jump in my koolaid, then dam it I am ready, bring it! I am not bragging, I am tell you the truth. I do not waste time bs-ing anybody, I am straight up hood on the Real but with a touch of class when it comes to people I care about.
In person, there are times when I am professional and then there are times when my assertiveness or agreesiveness comes out when needed. That level of temperment really needs to be worked on, but let's face it, I am who I am and do not pretend to be otherwise.
I will defend those who I believe speak the truth at the time, but let me find out for SURE they are full of s--t and then I am done.
Online, I thought it was harder to handle situations but come to find out, it is NOT as hard as I once thought..... well I know it now.
where are you pictures? why did you take it down?
I cannot go into detail. I promised I would not. My word is my bond. If I tell someone I will not repeat specific information then that is exactly what I do. So I will answer your question in a general term.
A situation arose, and quite frankly I do not have the money to hire people for I live paycheck to paycheck like most people with a little savings that I just recently started, BUT I am lucky to know people in the legal system here locally and like me they do not mess around.
Of course when I came to them I was furious cause momma dont play that sh-t. It is one thing to share Accurate information and then I give credit where credit is do and that's the truth but use something of mines that belongs to me, child please.. its ON then.
A situation came up that something that belongs to me was used elsewhere on the net without my knowledge or consent and it was investigated in a matter of hours, shut down and handled with legal proceedings swiftly cause if it was left up to me, I would have been done something because I have a short temper but my people had to calm me down and sh-t.
Legal advice: Don't ever put myself in a compromising position because it can be copied and pasted elsewhere.
This kinda stuff happened before but it was a story of mines and again I will not go into detail because that situation I handled myself. Again I didnt know my story was being used elsewhere for the benefit of profit and I immediately contacted that person and I assure you my story was deleted in five minutes by the other person who posted it elsewhere.
I do not play around. This passive/agreessive bs that people play... I don't play. I am sincerely a nice person to people but jump in my koolaid or space and I will jump all over it without a second thought on the REAL.
bottom line: I took down my photo on my blog by the advice of my legal people.... no not everyone speaks and behaves like me, short tempered and boys in the hood of it all, but they know how to handle sh-t swiftly which shocked the hell out of me.
It is a shame when one can't trust people too much or at all on the net. Okay true that, sometimes I look thru rose colored glasses let's say and believe that no one would do another harm... but in reality it is not always that way.
Medusa, know that I answered your questions to the best of my ability within the contraints and confines of people handling this situation which would have otherwise cost me thousands of dollars and girl I dont have a pot to piss on. So yes I obliged and gave my word and kept it. If I am nothing else,I am a person of my word, short temper and all. They did me a favor and I will honor that favor by keeping my word.
Not to mention I do not like to drag out the Baby Momma drama sh-t. If there is a problem, handle your business swiftly and move on.
Truth be told I was crying when this sh=t happened but ya know what? I will NOT allow a crap to deter me from my goals. It would have been Easy to have ate myself silly, as I am a big eater, but I maintained self-control and let my people handle the sh=t that was above my abilities and now it is done.
okay clearly I was not able to not curse too much BUT at least I didnt spell it out.... I do have faults to work on and that is a major one... learning to speak calmly without crusing. A work in progress.
WHY did I "choose" to post and answer your questions as best I could when it was really nobody's business and let's face it, you are a stranger to me.... it was because of your accurate information that you posted about me on your blog... and your captions of the "way we were" was very creative and actually made me laugh because it was true and it was true about me leaving the compound and I believe in giving credit where credit is due.
yes this is a long post, but I am true to who I am... I am a longgggggg poster of the written word.
I will not speak any more on this topic again... remember I have restraints.
fawn. "
Fawn, thanks so much for responding. I wish you were able to go into more detail about the situation that caused you so much upset but understand why you are unable to do so. Please keep in touch.
Peace, Fawn.
My original post:
As I was checking out the blogs tonight, I thought I'd pop over to Fawn's new blog to see what was up.
Imagine my surprise when I noticed that her pictures of herself that she had posted on her blog have vanished. Why, Fawn, why? Why did you remove them?
And when I started reading her post, alarm bells started going off. Fawn, what's happening???
Here's Fawn's post:
"Sunday, March 2, 2008
Criminal investigation
I may not have a pot to piss on, but thanks to my REAL friends who looked out for me and contacted me within the last 24 hours ...... this matter will be taken cared of shiftly !!!!
Posted by Fawn .. The Journey Continues at 8:30 AM"
Fawn, talk to me. Why are you so upset? Is someone threatening you? Is someone putting pressure on you?
I'm all ears here.
Follow on Buzz
Well, I don't know unless she didn't pay for her pictures. LOL
Honestly, can this thing get any weirder?
I bet I'm going to be sorry I asked that ...
Prudentia, I think that question has been asked several times throughout this whole thing and the answer has been, more often than not, "yes." :/
My blog: Weighing The Facts
Fawn said:
"Truth be told I was crying when this sh=t happened but ya know what? I will NOT allow a crap to deter me from my goals. It would have been Easy to have ate myself silly, as I am a big eater, but I maintained self-control and let my people handle the sh=t that was above my abilities and now it is done."
How come this sounds so "Heidi"? Fawn seldom mentions her WOE in her posts so why now?
This is not Heidi, trust me. She sounded so much like Jeanessa right then that I am forced to believe that one shouldn't mess with big black women. That includes my dear Din L! I believe you, Fawn, and know you will recover your balance away from Heidi. Be happy over at the Camp, and continue your weight loss journey in a more healthful manner. Peace.
That's absurd. Jeanessa doesn't sound anything like that at all.
Well, that cleared everything up.
:-/ I don't know what all of that was about but I do know this, Fawn sounds nothing like Jeanessa. *Nothing like her.
My blog: Weighing The Facts
No, she doesn't. Not even on the phone.
Unfortunately, because the title of my post is so long, bluesuede's comment is obstructed. Here is what her comment says:
"Well, don't know unless she didn't pay for her pictures. LOL"
If the CIA,FBI, Chloe or Jack (wink to all you 24 fans) ever crack Fawn's code, would somebody please let me know?
Good luck Fawn. Seriously. I wish you the best!
"The lady doth protest too much, methinks."
And all this, to say that she's pissed that someone posted her pic somewhere else.
Brother... (insert rolleyes here)
This is definitely weird. Fawn sounds so cutey pie one minute and then psycho the next.
"Fawwwwwn" says "I am not one of those passive people" ... "It is not in my nature to be meek and mild" .... "This passive/agreessive bs that people play... I don't play" ....
So why are you listed on the BDSM websites as a "subbie" and signing yourself as, among other things, "a gentle fawn" ?
And by the way, there's nothing "classy" about that "lifestyle" -- as a human being, as a woman, as a person of African descent, and as an AMERICAN, I am disgusted and ashamed of you and everybody like you.
But what did we expect? After all, you've shown everyone your TRUE color -- and that color isn't black, it's a color called SHAME, and you showed us all that color by your months of groveling, drooling, FAWNING over a known scammer, an evil sadist who doesn't give a damn about anything good and anything decent.
All she cares about is being evil, and you worshipped her -- my bet is that you still worship her and that you're working for her over at Tippy's now, trying to convince people how "easy" it is to get a refund from Heidi -- so easy, so quick! Ignore that icky ol' lawsuit, huh.
The post has vanished?? well that's never happened before. Seriously, glad to hear she's trying to keep positive and working on keeping the verbal abuse down to a minimum
On another note...I think it is rather strange that Heidi gave her a refund so quickly. I mean what was it based on? Fawn had been a member for more than six months, taken advantage of all the benefits of the site, KNEW all about Heidi-kins and her misdeeds, had even "left" at one time but went back. So what did she base her right to a refund on? It seems that a precedent has now been set and anyone should be able to request a refund at any point for any reason. I'm speaking strictly from a business standpoint. (TOS states: The Kimkins Program is provided in electronic media and as such cannot be returned for refund once purchased and accessed.)
Original Anonymous here. When I read how Fawn refused to take any guff from a passing motorist and got in his face while the passengers cowered, that reminded me irresistibly of Jeanessa chasing down a debtor and leaning on him till he paid up. No guff, determination to win - get out of the way when either of these black women think they have been cheated or disrespected. (Isn't that what started the lawsuit?) This frontal attack is very unlike Heidi, right?
That's all I meant.
As someone with many friends from all ethnic backgrounds---this poster known as fawn comes off as a white woman trying to portray herself as a black woman---too over the top.
Also my black friends would be appalled by the ebonics going on in the post---even the "boys in the hood".
They don't even speak that way when they do get all "hoodie". This is a caricature of some writers idea what a black person sounds like.
My friends would be deeply offended by this, as am I.
I agree that Fawn's refund is suspect. Why her and not others?
Her posting style, her dialect, and her tone seem to be in constant change, flip-flopping from one to another. I've never experienced anyone do that.
My blog: Weighing The Facts
Bamagal and MrsMenopausal,
ITA with you two. Fawn's flip flopping "talk" has me wondering what in the world is going on with her. One minute she sounds somewhat "normal" the next, "weak"! and after that, "a big nasty bully"! I get so confused reading her writings. I feel like I'm reading three different people. And I'm not sure which is real. She seems to be trying TO CONVINCE her readers (at KK, Camp or on her blog) that she is whoever they think she is. At KK & Camp she is welcoming and "fawning" anyone and everyone who posts a question. She drips of sugar and honey. Then on her blog she has so much Hate and Rage spewing from her computer that it would seem that this is a different person altogether. What exactly is the purpose of all this? NO ONE CARES IF SHE'S BLACK OR NOT! Why does she make such a big deal of it?
Get over yourself, Fawn! I am embarrassed for you when you BRAG of your "hoodie" ways.
Weird, I tell you! Just WEIRD!!!
Can I just agree here that Fawn sounds nothing like me. I don't think that persistence against injustice is a trait that can be categorized by race.
Fawn, leave this ill establishment and come back to us. You do not need the campcarb and you certainly don't need the medusa tribe. I warned you this would happen They will find fault in everyone, now come back. You know how to reach me or the other that is if they post this. Nosotros de amos.
Surprise! The blog went poof, and Fawn is being courted back to the Kimpound. Duck posts are being painted to be big old stalking meanies. (Ironic after the stories Fawn fed us.)
Frankly, I think she can do more damage to Kimmer from inside than out, so go ahead Fawn!
Bless your heart!
Medusa- When did you start an establishment or tribe?
No one told me.
Is it free?
I am not wearing the uniform though- if that is what Fawn is modeling for us today.
In Defense of Fawn.
I've been looking at the photos of Fawn in her lingerie on the ALT site and thinking about what this truly means in the grand scheme of things. And I realized something. It means nothing.
If she is into the BDSM lifestyle, that doesn't necessarily mean that she is not tough when the situation calls for it. And some people are into BDSM, that doesn't make them good or bad people. It's her body to do what she will with it.
I think she represented fat women everywhere very well in the expose photo. Real women have curves and, if they're lucky, those curves are like Fawn's when they're her age.
I agree with you on some points Jeanessa. Fawn's pictures did show that real women have curves and that isn't a bad thing at all.
But I don't know if it means nothing in the overall scheme of things. Couldn't Heidi be using these sites to find sock puppets or even invest her ill found gains?
I mean Fawn was blogging on
a "criminal investigation" on her blog just days ago. She was vague but did say *********
-Again I didnt know my story was being used elsewhere for the benefit of profit and I immediately contacted that person and I assure you my story was deleted in five minutes by the other person who posted it elsewhere.*****
But I guess time will tell if that was Heidi making a profit, posting the pics or if it is all a big pile of socks.
I certainly can't speak for anyone else, only myself. But, I would like to say that I have NO problem with fawn and her photos or alternative lifestyle. Both, are her business and she certainly has a right to do what she wants with her photos and/or her body.
My problem is with the flip flopping, nice one minute, threatening the next, fawn. I can't figure out if she is who she says she is (because it changes so frequently) or something/someone else. Sock Puppet, defender, advocate of Heidi and her site... or EX-Kimkinite for a 'reason'. Did Heidi do something to fawn to tick her off? Was it her or someone else who stole her pictures and story for her (Heidi's) own gain? Or did someone else tick fawn off?
Her own words, on her blog set off this firestorm. IMO, none of this (the pictures) would have come to light (or had much bearing), had she not rambled on the way she did. After all, wasn't it fawn who said "BRING IT ON" "IF YOU DARE"? I think the ducks just did what she asked, they brought it.
Honeybee, you are the Queen of Sleuthing and I know if there are Heidi connections, you will find them. I never see any connections until they are pointed out to me. I don't know where we would be if you had not taken up this cause, girlie.
And thanks for agreeing with me even on some of my points about Fawn.
Jeanessa, I agree with you, too. While the kowtowing and degradation obviously point to her subservience, being involved in BDSM doesn't necessarily mean that she's a prostitute. In fact, in most BDSM circles, the "game" most times doesn't involved sex at all. Most people are quite ignorant about what BDSM is all about.
That being said, I still question her intentions (if indeed she really is who she says she is).
Look, this is NOT the fact that real women have curves. This is about degrading oneself and allowing oneself to be degraded -- that doesn't mean a person is bad or good but it does mean that person has something wrong with them, something seriously wrong. And especially when that person claims to be a representative of a faith that teaches that the body is the temple of the spirit of the Creator of the Universe. A faith that teaches that the body does not belong to oneself but to that Creator, to be used in ways that exemplify morality, dignity, respect, and freedom from degradation.
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