Fawn comes to Tippy Toe's defence:
"Fawn .. The Journey Continues said...
This is fawn again,
Please know that Tippy Toes is cool peeps, she would never intentionally harm anyone direclty or indirectly in my opinion. She was just telling the "truth" and one can't be wrong in that. I "do" sound like a black woman, that's cause I "am" a black woman and we were joking about that on the telephone, so she was just repeating and sharing what I said myself is all. Please know that she didnt mean ANY harm by sharing that information of "truth".
She is really a sweet and polite person, unlike me, I will curse someone out in a minute LOLLLLLLL which is true, But seriously, she was just sharing the truth and honestly meant no harm by sharing that truth in the context that it was shared, for real.
fawn :)
Thank you all for listening.
March 3, 2008 8:36 PM"
Tippy's response:
"Oh no, not the racist card. No you don't. Fawn calls herself a black woman. And by saying she sounds like a black woman does not make me racist. She claims she is, I say seems to be true. This has nothing to do with being racist. Fawn will be the first person to tell you I am not a racist person what so ever. Now I will say it is true you cannot always tell someone's heritage by their voice. But sometimes you can. My Chinese Doctor especially. And my friends from Tennessee--well, they have the accent from Tennessee. Recognizing a different tone/accent/heritage or whatever does not make a person racist.
Now, elaborating on what Heidi sounds like... She has a high pitched, soft and sweet little innocent voice. This is in contrast to Fawn's voice which is deep and husky.
Also, keep another thing in mind here before you get too carried away with the race card. It was upon request of the Ducks I checked her out. Yes, for you. So you are welcome. She is not Heidi.
TT "
Thank you, Tippy, for your response and elaboration. Much obliged.
Comment from Tippy Toes:
"Medusa, Fawn is exactly who she says she is. We have checked her IP addy (I am sure you have too) and I have spoken with her on the phone myself, just yesterday. I have spoken to Heidi on occasion too. Heidi has a very petite voice. Fawn has the voice of a black woman. She was kind enough to give me her phone number and allow me to call her. The area code is indeed also Colorado. So without doubt, Fawn is not Heidi, Heidi is not Fawn.
BTW, problem with trying to log in as myself here. But this is Jeannie, AKA Tippy Toes. I am sure you can verify that too.
March 3, 2008 6:53 AM" (bolding mine)
Fawn responds to my response to her original comment (scroll down):
Fawn .. The Journey Continues ... said
"March 02, 2008
From: Fawn to Medusa,
Dear Medusa,
Thank you for your post and clearly up some things and Yes, I can certainly understand what you are saying, truly I can.
I do apologize for losing my temper sincerely. Just as I have a nice side, I do have an assertive side to me as well. I am glad that we came to an understanding sincerely and I can certainly appreciate your position and the mission. And the position of all of you really, because sometimes it takes time for people to leave and thanks to the information sites like this provided... eventually it sinks in and it is not always easily or done quickly but we Do leave. so thank you guys.
If I may ask one favor of you please... there is a section on the D/s post on the bottom that reads:
"Lables": Domination, Dominatrix, Fawn, Heidi Diaz, Kimmer, etc.
Is it possible to remove my name fawn from that list please?
Hopefully you can understand that I do not want to be on the same sentence or line with Heidi aka Kimmer. It is my desire to stand alone on my own right kinda thing going on as we are two different people.
My photo is posted on my blog if you or anyone would like to see what I look like in real life.
Again my sincerest apologies for losing my temper on your blog and my blog as well.
holla* "
March 2, 2008 3:43 PM
My response:
Fawn, thanks for your response. No apologies necessary.
I have deleted the reference to your name in the label on my blog post.
Congratulations on your new blog, Fawn.. The Journey Continues , and on leaving Kimkins and the evil that is Heidi Diaz, aka Kimmer.
~ Medusa
Fawn responds to my post, which follows below her comment:
"March 02, 2008 from Fawn
Medusa, I didnt mind the post about how fawn leaves the Kimpound because your information was accurate and the captions and photo of barbara streisand that you created was actually funny and creative and true about my posts.
**** what I "DO" mind is the sarcasim and insult in the topic of D/s that was posted on your blog in March 2008 and thinking that or trying to correlate that I am a persona of Heidi. That is a bit juvenile, sarcasitc and uncalled for, don't you think? I mean seriously WHAT have I ever done to YOU to cause you to be so vicious/mean to me directly?
I am very much real and I am BLACK so please let's NOT get it twisted, and heidi is white. She lives in California and I live in Colorado. I have had my photo posted for a longgggggg time on kimkins.com and I post a LOT in volume. I do not write NOR talk like Kimmer.
I am PROUD of who and what I am a strong black educated woman so please, I am asking you to continue on with the accurate parts of your reporting information and to cease with the sarcasim and digs on me, please.
If you are going to be REAL then let's be REAL please.
If you want to write me directly, please feel free to do so at: agentlefawn2001@yahoo.com for I have NOTHING to hide, nothing. I am pretty OPEN as you saw from my posts.
You can even do a URL check, I am in fact located in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
I stand by what I post and say Exactly what I mean to say, so please let's just stop trippin' and if ya wanna bring it.. then let's bring it!
There is NOTHING wrong with being nice to people and I usually am nice to people but your sarcasm was a bit MUCH today stating: ... "Well, this could certainly explain all the fawning, n'est ce pas? That is, if Fawn truly exists and is not just another sock puppet or one of Heidi's fake personas. I'm thinking the latter."
Thank you sincerely,
fawn 03/02/08"
Fawn, thank you for writing.
Given Heidi's reputation for stealing and posting fake pictures purporting to be those of herself; given her reputation for assuming different personas and posting uncontrolled rants on LCF and Kimkins; given her reputation for stealing the usernames of previous KK members who were banned and then posting as them on Kimkins; given that there are posts on KK purportedly by you that are suspect; given that she uses sock puppets on Kimkins; given that she is a fraud, a liar, a scam artist, and a sociopath...when adding all those things up, it is certainly not beyond the pale to wonder if you are, in fact, real or just another one of Heidi's personas or sock puppets.
Giving you the benefit of the doubt and accepting that your assertions are true, I can certainly understand your being upset by being compared to Heidi Diaz, especially in light of the fact that she has not one single redeeming quality. She has brought untold grief to thousands of people and her time has come to pay the piper.Peace, Fawn.
My original post:
The topic of D&s has been raised today on LCF. Herewith, a brief primer:
"Domination and submission (BDSM)
Domination and submission (also known as D&s, Ds or D/s) is a set of behaviors, customs and rituals relating to the giving and accepting of dominance of one individual over another in an erotic or lifestyle context.
Physical contact is not a necessity, and it can even be conducted anonymously over telephone, email or instant messaging services. In other cases it can be intensely physical, sometimes traversing into sadomasochism. In D/s, one takes pleasure or erotic enjoyment out of either dominating or being dominated. Those who take the superior position are called dominants, doms (male) or dommes (female), while those who take the subordinate position are called submissives or subs (male or female). A switch is an individual who plays in either role. Two switches together may negotiate and exchange roles several times in a session. "Dominatrix" is a term usually reserved for a female professional dominant who dominates others for pay."

While D/s deals with representations of brutality and cruelty, and the emotional responses to them, adherents are quick to point out that D/s is not about actual acts of brutality and cruelty. It is a consensual power exchange between the two partners and need not involve any brutality (such as corporal punishment) or cruelty (verbal or emotional abuse) at all. It is primarily based upon trust and communication between the partners. It is also based on a deep ethos of mutual respect in which exploration of the emotions brought up by brutality and cruelty can take place in a safe, sane and consensual manner.
A safe word is given to the submissive partner to prevent the dominant from overstepping physical and emotional boundaries. The safe word is especially important when engaging in verbal humiliation or playing 'mind-games' because the submissive may not be aware of an emotional boundary until it is crossed. If an emotional boundary is breached and the safe word called, the dominant should cease all play immediately and discuss the emotional breach with the submissive in a tender and understanding manner.
D/s may be ritualised or freeform. It is usually a negotiated lifestyle, with people discussing their wishes, limits and needs in order to find commonality. A D/s relationship may be sexual or non-sexual, long or short term, and intimate or anonymous. Most adherents search for the essential intensity, trust and intimacy that are required to make any deep relationship possible. "
D/s relationship styles
There can be any number of partners in a D/s relationship, in some cases with one dominant sometimes having several submissives, who may in turn dominate others, or a submissive sometimes may have multiple dominants. Relationships may be monogamous or polyamorous. Romantic love is not necessarily a feature in D/s, partners might be very much in love or have no romantic relationship at all.
Variation in D/s is virtually limitless and the activities take many forms. These may include:
domestic servitude or consensual slavery
enforced chastity of the submissive
erotic humiliation
payments by the submissive to the dominant (These may include payments of money, sexual favors or general servitude.)
sexual slavery
verbal abuse
verbal humiliation is the preferred term
fetishes, such as foot/shoe/boot worship, uniforms, smoking, latex, heavy rubber, among others are activities considered part of BDSM
dehumaniztion or objectification (pony or animal play, becoming an 'inanimate object' such as a foot stool)
Some D/s relationships are sexual, others completely chaste. Fantasy role play can also be a part, with partners taking classic dominant/submissive roles, or classic authority figure roles such as teacher/student, police officer/suspect or parent/child. Animal play, where one partner takes the role of owner/caretaker and the other takes the part of a pet or animal, can also be D/s play.
In some D/s relationships a partner only submits occasionally and with definite short-term goals, perhaps for an evening or the duration of a party.
In other relationships, there may be an ongoing (not scene- or play-specific) power exchange between or among partners in a committed relationship, often involving love and servitude and enacted in ways throughout the relationship. Some D/s relationships may be compared to the idealized marriages portrayed in older television programs, in which one partner is domestic and service-oriented and the other partner is the provider, protector, and household authority. BDSM may otherwise be deliberately and consciously incorporated into the relationship, or it may focus wholly on power exchange.
Some people may opt for the master or mistress/slave model, in which consent is negotiated once for a long period and the consent given is generally broader. Slave contracts may be used. Where the contract is in effect continuously, the relationship is referred to as "24/7". The limits of the slave contract can vary widely and extend into other areas of BDSM. Some people opt to be purely "sex slaves", while others who prefer domestic service identify as "service slaves". Some slaves allow their masters or mistresses complete latitude as to the demands that can be placed on them. Such a relationship is known as total power exchange or TPE.
People usually only enter into a master/slave contract after they have known and played with each other for some time, often several years. It can be one of the most difficult relationships in the BDSM world to maintain, and requires special skills and experience.
There are some risks commonly associated with D/s. Because it is mostly a mental activity, many of the risks associated with D/s involve mental health. Others involve abuses of the trust inherent in a D/s relationship. Some examples are:
"Top's disease," or the tendency for some dominants to grow into a sense of infallibility or omnipotence[citation needed]
Physically or mentally abusive dominant partner
Self-hating subs
Dominant partners who violate the trust relationship by attempting to isolate the sub from society or monetarily exploit the sub
Unstable dominant partners or subs who, through act or threat of calling public attention to the other's private life and their relationship, can cause financial or personal hardship (see Outing)
Emotionally unstable or manipulative subs or dominant partners seeking more from the relationship than the other, as a human being, can give.[citation needed] This can include so-called mind games, emotional vampirism and any other forms of emotional manipulation or abuse present in any other relationship.[citation needed] The extra factor is that D/s relationships are already predicated upon a delicate shift of power, and so rely more than usual on participants being able to handle that well.
Local and regional BDSM organizations typically provide community-based counseling and assistance to dominants or submissives who are in a troubled relationship.[citation needed]
Common myths about D/s:
Dominants are naturally cruel people.
Submissives are naturally weak-willed "doormats."
Submissives are attempting to re-live childhood abuse.
Women who are into D/s are nymphomaniacs, or indiscriminate sex partners.
D/s is usually a case of "role-reversal" with people who have much power and responsibility in real life often preferring a submissive role.
There is little or no factual evidence to support any of these concepts; submissives and dominants come from a broad spectrum of society and most people into BDSM are very selective about who they play with. Considering the risks, this is not surprising. The idea that submissive women are sexually indiscriminate likely stems from pornographic fiction and the appeal of an insatiable partner who will do anything one commands. In real life this is rarely the case.
Dr. Michael J. Bader, author of , writes: "It is quite common that children who were abused grow up and develop sexual fantasies loosely based on their abuse. ... The adult indulging in a fantasy of sexual surrender or abasement is actually saying to her or himself: 'I'm recreating a terrifying or traumatic scene, but this time I'm in control because I'm scripting the scene ...'" [1]
The "role-reversal" myth likely stems from studies done in the 1950's which found that most of the clients in houses of domination were wealthy, powerful men. This is probably more due to the high fees charged in such houses (often $200-$5,000 a session) than a dearth of impoverished submissives. There are many poor submissives and wealthy dominants.
Some linguistic conventions
It is popular, but by no means mandatory for persons in the D/s world to capitalize words and names that refer to dominants, and not to capitalize those that refer to submissives, hence the capitalization of D/s. This convention was popularized on internet chatrooms, to make it easier to identify the orientation of the writer or the person being written about.
It is also popular for slaves and submissives to eschew personal pronouns, instead referring to themselves as "this slave" or "Master Bob's girl". This is sometimes considered an expression of modesty, but it is an entirely optional method of depersonalizing a submissive during "play". It may have roots in the military, where new soldiers are required to refer to themselves as "this recruit" rather than "I" or "me". "
Well, this could certainly explain all the fawning, n'est ce pas? That is, if Fawn truly exists and is not just another sock puppet or one of Heidi's fake personas. I'm thinking the latter.
Follow on Buzz
Trying to picture fawn and heidi in this context. hmmmm Not too far fetched. Didn't fawn call heidi "mommy" at one time? YUCK!
Disturbing & revealing -- explains so much about the unique "ambience" at Kimkins.
March 02, 2008 from Fawn
Medusa, I didnt mind the post about how fawn leaves the Kimpound because your information was accurate and the captions and photo of barbara streisand that you created was actually funny and creative and true about my posts.
**** what I "DO" mind is the sarcasim and insult in the topic of D/s that was posted on your blog in March 2008 and thinking that or trying to correlate that I am a persona of Heidi. That is a bit juvenile, sarcasitc and uncalled for, don't you think? I mean seriously WHAT have I ever done to YOU to cause you to be so vicious/mean to me directly?
I am very much real and I am BLACK so please let's NOT get it twisted, and heidi is white. She lives in California and I live in Colorado. I have had my photo posted for a longgggggg time on kimkins.com and I post a LOT in volume. I do not write NOR talk like Kimmer.
I am PROUD of who and what I am a strong black educated woman so please, I am asking you to continue on with the accurate parts of your reporting information and to cease with the sarcasim and digs on me, please.
If you are going to be REAL then let's be REAL please.
If you want to write me directly, please feel free to do so at: agentlefawn2001@yahoo.com for I have NOTHING to hide, nothing. I am pretty OPEN as you saw from my posts.
You can even do a URL check, I am in fact located in Colorado Springs, Colorado.
I stand by what I post and say Exactly what I mean to say, so please let's just stop trippin' and if ya wanna bring it.. then let's bring it!
There is NOTHING wrong with being nice to people and I usually am nice to people but your sarcasm was a bit MUCH today stating: ... "Well, this could certainly explain all the fawning, n'est ce pas? That is, if Fawn truly exists and is not just another sock puppet or one of Heidi's fake personas. I'm thinking the latter."
Thank you sincerely,
fawn 03/02/08
Hey, Fawn, go on with your bad self and all, but DON'T turn this into a black/white thing, okay.
There's NO racism going on here. We just want to get Heidi for her crimes.
Medusa and many others, myself included, have wondered about the unusual nature of your relationship with Kimmer. Freedom, you see, is a two-way street. You are free to have the kind of relationships you want, and we are free to wonder about that.
Good luck to you and I'm glad you broke free of the Kimpire. Be healthy!
Fawn replies to the Mayberry fan
March 02, 2008
Mayberry thank you for your post and I DID say that Medusa was accurate in her reporting .. the part I am commenting on is the unnecessary Sarcasim!
Again I stand by my comment which is very clear and precise. Kimmer is white and I am black, so let's NOT get it all twisted and confuse the two people and stop trippin' is all I am saying.
If you or anyone wants to respond to me Directly or ask any direct questions ... I do have my own blog called: "Fawn ... the journey continues"
I wish ALL of you well in your endeavors and high five to ya.
Mayberryfan, I don't see where she tried to make this a race thing. What I see is her pointing out an obvious difference in posting styles. When you read her posts, it is obvious that she is black lady and we all know Heidi is not. If there was any doubt, just check out the name of her journal at KK. LOL
March 02, 2008
From: Fawn to Medusa,
Dear Medusa,
Thank you for your post and clearly up some things and Yes, I can certainly understand what you are saying, truly I can.
I do apologize for losing my temper sincerely. Just as I have a nice side, I do have an assertive side to me as well. I am glad that we came to an understanding sincerely and I can certainly appreciate your position and the mission. And the position of all of you really, because sometimes it takes time for people to leave and thanks to the information sites like this provided... eventually it sinks in and it is not always easily or done quickly but we Do leave. so thank you guys.
If I may ask one favor of you please... there is a section on the D/s post on the bottom that reads:
"Lables": Domination, Dominatrix, Fawn, Heidi Diaz, Kimmer, etc.
Is it possible to remove my name fawn from that list please?
Hopefully you can understand that I do not want to be on the same sentence or line with Heidi aka Kimmer. It is my desire to stand alone on my own right kinda thing going on as we are two different people.
My photo is posted on my blog if you or anyone would like to see what I look like in real life.
Again my sincerest apologies for losing my temper on your blog and my blog as well.
Medusa, Fawn is exactly who she says she is. We have checked her IP addy (I am sure you have too) and I have spoken with her on the phone myself, just yesterday. I have spoken to Heidi on occasion too. Heidi has a very petite voice. Fawn has the voice of a black woman. She was kind enough to give me her phone number and allow me to call her. The area code is indeed also Colorado. So without doubt, Fawn is not Heidi, Heidi is not Fawn.
BTW, problem with trying to log in as myself here. But this is Jeannie, AKA Tippy Toes. I am sure you can verify that too.
Petite voice? The voice of a black woman? I think it would have been sufficient to say that their voices were not the same.
"Heidi has a very petite voice. Fawn has the voice of a black woman."
Tippy, I'm not sure how one could have a "petite" voice. Perhaps you could elaborate on that.
And what exactly is "the voice of a black woman"? Your comment sounds a tad racist to me, Tippy.
"Heidi has a very petite voice. Fawn has the voice of a black woman."
Whoa. (shaking head)
Oh no, not the racist card. No you don't. Fawn calls herself a black woman. And by saying she sounds like a black woman does not make me racist. She claims she is, I say seems to be true. This has nothing to do with being racist. Fawn will be the first person to tell you I am not a racist person what so ever. Now I will say it is true you cannot always tell someone's heritage by their voice. But sometimes you can. My Chinese Doctor especially. And my friends from Tennessee--well, they have the accent from Tennessee. Recognizing a different tone/accent/heritage or whatever does not make a person racist.
Now, elaborating on what Heidi sounds like... She has a high pitched, soft and sweet little innocent voice. This is in contrast to Fawn's voice which is deep and husky.
Also, keep another thing in mind here before you get too carried away with the race card. It was upon request of the Ducks I checked her out. Yes, for you. So you are welcome. She is not Heidi.
This is fawn again,
Please know that Tippy Toes is cool peeps, she would never intentionally harm anyone direclty or indirectly in my opinion. She was just telling the "truth" and one can't be wrong in that. I "do" sound like a black woman, that's cause I "am" a black woman and we were joking about that on the telephone, so she was just repeating and sharing what I said myself is all. Please know that she didnt mean ANY harm by sharing that information of "truth".
She is really a sweet and polite person, unlike me, I will curse someone out in a minute LOLLLLLLL which is true, But seriously, she was just sharing the truth and honestly meant no harm by sharing that truth in the context that it was shared, for real.
fawn :)
Thank you all for listening.
While petite isn't a word I would want to associate with kimmer having listened to those infamous pocasts I can understand why somebody might say her voice was petiete is certainly wasn't loud, deep nor booming.
Honestly. So much fuss about, what?
And who the hell "requested" that TT stick her nose in and confirm who Fawn really is? We're supposed to take TT's word, for anything? Why should we?
She left the Kimpound and people still pounce on her. I do not blame her if she goes back to Kimkins. I hope all of you are happy now! shame on you!
Come back to us fewn, contact me.
Who's "fewn"?
March 6, 2008 1:32 PM"
Anonymous, you can quit screaming now.
Your logic is just a tad faulty, to say the least. It is not "open season" on Kimkinites.
And your use of the word "sweet" in reference to Fawn is obviously entirely subjective.
If you want to put your lot with the likes of Heidi Diaz, an admitted fraud and liar, then so be it. Obviously, posting about the dangers of both Kimkins and Kimmer by either myself or any other anti-KK blogger, has not persuaded you otherwise.
Just be sure to keep your calories above 1200 a day.
Anonymous, have you been following what Heidi Diaz has done and is doing to her faithful members? Have you seen her recent attempts to manipulate friends against AmyB, that she is suggesting that her son's illness is fabricated for Amy's personal gain? Have you seen how she is casting doubt on Amy to discredit her?
You tell Fawn to save herself from what is outside of Kimkins and to return there. Return to what? A safe haven? A haven of truth, trust, and support by a woman who lied to you all in the form of her fabricated stories, with her stolen Russian bride pictures? A woman who has proven time and time again that her concern comes in the form of syrupy, faked words of friendship until you happen to cross into territory she perceives as forbidden and then, wham!, you're banned. Banned without a thought to what you need, what you're going through, your health, or even the fact that you PAID her for the right to your lifetime membership. Have you not seen the mass of members who no longer have access, banned by Kimmer/Heidi Diaz for nothing more than stating a health issue, questioning the plan, posting on other forums, or for no reason at all?
If it's an honest concern for Fawn's wellbeing then I suggest you support her in some way other than coaxing her to return to a place that was built on, and continues to be based on, fraud and that is ruled by an unscrupulous con artist.
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