There's been a paucity of information coming from deep inside the Kimkins
website these days.....in fact, forthcoming information has ground to a screeching halt.
So I thought I would put out an APB for a mole to do some digging for me at the Kimpound.
Firstly, if you wish to apply for this position, kindly read the following:
Mole Personality Quiz Text
Our intelligence mission is the work of the dieting nation — and our success depends on a network of professionals around the world.
Myth 1- You’ll Never See Your Family and Friends Again
Myth 2- Everyone Drives a Sports Car with Machine Guns in the Tailpipes
Car chases through the alleyways of a foreign city are common on TV, but they’re not what a mole's career is about. And, they don’t compare with the reality of being part of worldwide intelligence operations supporting a global mission to rid the world of the deadly Kimkins diet.
Myth 3- You Have to be Superhuman in Every Way
Myth 4- A Glamorous Lifestyle Awaits You
Myth 5-Hardly Anyone Ever Makes it Through the Background Check

Job Qualifications
The minimum of a Grade 3 education is required
Foreign language proficiency, especially double-talk, is a plus
Interpersonal skills, solid writing ability, and a strong interest in safe dieting are necessities
Maximum age for entry is 102
Any citizenship is allowed
Applicants DO NOT have to successfully complete a medical examination, polygraph interview and an extensive background investigation
To be considered for employment as a mole for Medusa, please leave an anonymous comment on this post. Your comment will be automatically forwarded to me via e-mail for publication. To ensure total secrecy, I will NOT publish your comment so that your anonymity is maintained.
Any and all candidates will be given consideration. And thank you in advance for your interest in this position.
Thanks to everyone who has contacted me re the MOLE position!
A few of you have left me Anonymous comments offering your assistance, but I am unable to respond to you because I don't have your e-mail addresses.
So please send me another Anonymous comment with your e-mail address and I'll be in touch with you right away.
Your e-mail address will be kept strictly confidential. Thanks so much!
Follow on Buzz
It's hard to believe people will still sign up for that site, after all that national exposure! AND after she (sort of) admitted wrongdoing on her own site!
Considering the Kimkins diet? Read this first: Kimkins Diet Scam Update.
OYB, I totally agree with your comment.
It boggles the mind, doesn't it?
Thanks for raising the red flag about the deadly Kimkins diet and its founder Heidi Diaz/Kimmer.
Indeed. Kimmer banks on exactly that desperation!
Considering the Kimkins diet? Read this first: Kimkins Diet Scam Update.
Thanks to everyone who has contacted me re the MOLE position!
A few of you have left me Anonymous comments offering your assistance, but I am unable to respond to you because I don't have your e-mail addresses.
So please send me another Anonymous comment with your e-mail address and I'll be in touch with you right away.
Your e-mail address will be kept strictly confidential.
Thanks so much!
I think my spelling would give me away as a mole but seriously
Kimkins.com and Kimmer need to be stopped bfore any one else becomes a page on http://kimkinssurvivors.wordpress.com/
please if you bought a membership join the lawsuit http://kimkinslawsuit.wordpress.com/2007/11/15/download-the-affidavit-or-declaration-form/
"I think my spelling would give me away as a mole"
LOL You do just fine!
The important thing is not spelling but the message you're getting out about the Kimkins starvation diet and Kimmer.
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