Now, before you go to her site and raise her hit ranking on the web, which is not a good thing, above is her most recent weight-loss picture for your viewing pleasure.

What I find most amazing in viewing her latest picture is not only the amount of weight she alleges she has lost doing her own Kimkins starvation diet, but her penchant for the color red.
Let's take a look at some of her other red outfits...
First of all, the lovely Lesya, the woman from the Russian bride website whose picture Heidi Diaz/Kimmer scoffed to represent her "after" picture on the Kimkins website. Not a good choice, Heidi.

You know, Heidi, every time I see another picture of you, I see RED.
How can you, in all good conscience, continue to lure unsuspecting people desperate to lose weight to your website in the hope that they will pay big bucks to you to learn how to literally starve themselves by following your deadly Kimkins diet? How?
Which brings to mind another RED ...
(from The Shining)
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Geesh, give credit where credit is due. She looks great for her weight. (And if she takes a deep breath, the corset will bust and it's head-for-the-hills, boys time.) She looks good in red, just not Leysa good. (wink) and
Kimmer leave a lot of folk seeing red. Thanks for sharing the pics so we don't have to hekp her site ranking to see them.
You ROCK....LOVE LOVE LOVE the REDRUM reference!!!!!
anonymous, thanks for the laugh! Great comment!
2big, welcome back, dear! Thanks for your comments!
And beachfires! Great to hear from you. I always enjoy your posts on LCF.
I hope Heidi "gets" the REDRUM ref. :^)
thanks for the welcome back I hope the link to here works from my blog so even more folk can see that red.
are not the answer folk with new yrs resolutions need to find for their weight loss wants.
I actually think she looks pretty good in that pic. Must be all of the AHA and staying out of the sun ;)
At the rate she's going, she's not going to lose any 198 lbs in 11 months....
2big, the link from your blog works perfectly. Thanks so much.
Please check out 2big4mysize's blog here:
I think you might be the best blogger ever!
Considering the Kimkins diet? Read this first: Kimkins Diet Scam Update.
Kimkins members may join the Kimkins lawsuit! Here is a video that explains how easy it is to join the Kimkins lawsuit.
OYB, thank you!
Flattery will get you everywhere :^)
Thanks for doing such a great job at spreading the word about Kimkins and Kimmer. Kudos to you!
Red is the color of war.
mayberryfan! Great hearing from you. Love your posts on LCF.
I hope no whores were upset with my comment...but I do hope Kimmer was. :^)
And thanks for commenting on my post!
LMAO! Well, I asked my whore friends and they all said no offense taken.
Kimorexia Blog
Resolve not to get ripped off by scams like Kimkins!
Phew, glad your friends didn't take offence, OYB.
I'd hate to have a horde of whores on my tail (no pun intended) :^)
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