Well, a new blogger has emerged on the scene and her posts have warmed the cockles of my hardened heart. Her name is Fawn and she has been a steadfast and overly fawning admirer of both Kimmer/Heidi Diaz and TippyToes (Jeannie Baitinger). Her idolation of Kimmer has always been disturbing to me, but now she is spreading the love to TippyToes.
TippyToes, in previous posts on her blog, not only distanced herself from Kimmer and the Kimkins starvation diet, but has slammed Kimmer personally.
Reading the comments on Fawn's post below, it would appear that Kimmer and TippyToes are still sharing the same bed, while Fawn is playing both sides of the mattress:
"Monday, December 24, 2007
Peace on the Internet by Fawn
My screen name known by many is Fawn (aka: Butterfly)
This morning I had an opportunity to post my Sincere and genuine feelings and beliefs on another site and I wanted to share it here because it is important to me because it focuses on the maturity and positive outlook of two special people: Kimmer and Tippy 12/24/07
Merry Christmas Eve everyone, and there is room for everyone so let's continue to be happy
As we celebrate the holidays approaching and the beginning of a New Year let us bask in the glow of one another successes and ventures
Yes one of our very cherished and supportive sisters, named Tippy, has ventured on her own and we are very happy and proud of her.
To me I view it like, when we help one another and soon they are able to bloosom on their own and we should be and continue to be happy for them and wish them the best in all their successes.
What I admire about Tippy is that she gives much credit to the Kimkins plan and supports people who continue on with the low carb lifestyle of several plans. Never a negative word on her site about anyone or any plan, instead it is just positive support and the goal of healthy and safe living, with much joy and happiness just like this loving and positive, supportive Kimkins site who just wants the best for everyone and embraces everyone with celebration and not a negative word about anyone.
I am VERY proud of this site and hers as well because these are very mature people that focus on the "positive" on their sites. So I raise my low carb chocolate shake this morning in loving honor to the very caring, positive, mature and supportive people: Kimmer and Tippy who both want the best for people in this great big world, where each person has their own style and there is room for everyone.
To me, in my opinion, the Kimkins plan is special and it started me on the road of low carb eating and has taught all of us very much and helped us embrace the real us inside to come out and experience FREEDOM and for many of us, a joy for life for the first time in a long time and I will always be grateful to our Kimmer for creating the Kimkins plan that helped set so many free from a life of obesity and I know from personal experience.
It is pretty scary out there, and people arent so nice sometimes in other websites, but like a den mother to so many, Kimmer never said don't go here or there, she never tried to hoard, instead she embraced and supported us having friends elsewhere as well that we visit and hang out with. Kimmer leaves the light on for people and people embrace it.
We are blessed to have two positive sites from both of them, Kimmer and Tippy, with their own unique styles, sharing and positive attitude and acceptance of people, with the goal in mind to help others. I never thought that was possible as the internet seems to be a competitive market so to speak, but there is a peace and maturity from these two people like no other. We are very lucky indeed.
So let's continue to be happy for one another as we venture forth into the new year of 2008 with a positive, friendly outlook and embrace the joy and celebration of life in this huge world where there is room for everyone
Remember: It is allllllllll about having a positive and loving and caring attitude
Thank you all for reading this post and wishing you all much happiness in your endeavors and life.
Posted by Peace On the Internet at 6:43 AM "
Tippy Toes Blog said...
How anyone could ever be cruel to you, I will never know. You are one of the kindest and sweetest people I have ever come to know. I just love you!"
[Fawn's response:]
"December 24, 2007 7:18 AM
Peace On the Internet said...
aawww precious Tippy,
you are such an angel huggies to you, I love you too :)
You and Kimmer in my opinion set the EXAMPLE of how others should be with their websites and hopefully ONE day, they will follow suit seeing the maturity of both of you WONDERFUL people who care about the world and the people in it.
God bless you both ***
fawn :) "
[Kimmer's response:]
"December 24, 2007 7:28 AM
Kimmer said...
Fawn, your very own blog! I'm so proud of you!!!
Please don't laugh that it took me 10 minutes to figure out how to leave a comment. Tech things and me ... man!
There's so many kind and truly helpful people on the internet, thanks for adding one more positive beacon.
No one can ever call you shy (smiles) and I'm going to be checking here regularly ... well, soon as I figure out how to bookmark it!
A blessed Christmas to you and Tippy!
[Fawn's response:]
December 24, 2007 7:59 AM
Peace On the Internet said...
aaawww Kimmer, you are so sweet to post on my very first blog, huggies.
I adore you as you know, and you have helped so many people and will continue to do so.
I am so PROUD of you and Tippy and your accomplishments in having such positive and supportive websites. I am in awe of the maturity levels and kindness of both of you.
I am STILL trying to figure out thie blog thingy LOLLLLLL I remember you tried to encourage me to start a blog a long time ago... but ya know me.. LOL.. sometimes I am a chicken but today I decided to be brave and I just wanted the WORLD to know that I am and will always be very PROUD of both of you because you BOTH set the example of how People can get ALONG and there is room for everyone and most of all, having a loving, caring and supportive attitude.
okay... clearlyyyyyyyy I am writing to much again LOLLLLL
I am so Touched that you would take out the time to comment on my blog... ((((((( huggies ))))))
fawn (aka: Butterfly)
December 24, 2007 8:14 AM "
"Monday, December 24, 2007
A strong woman PROUD of her journey....Grammar Correction*
Will I always be PROUD of Kimmer and Tippy with their Maturity Levels?
Of course I will.
They both have websites but yet they focus on the positive and in MY opinion, they set the EXAMPLE of how POSITIVE websites should be.
Both their websites of supportive. I have never seen either one of them say an unkind word about the other on their websites nor would they allow it. Instead they are happy for one another and both have the same goal to help people as much as possible and they both embrace positive affirmations on their websites.
Again it is my view and belief that I have never seen two websites focus on so much positivity no matter what plan a person is on. They are both accepting, loving and nurturing websites and as competitive as websites are and can be.... these two wonderful women are NOT.
Each has their own style, nobody is trying to copy anybody or anything like that. Instead they respect and give each other space and wish each other well and focus on the people in a positive, supportive and kind manner of Uplifting people!
Yes, they set the standard of living in peace on the internet and I pray other websites will follow the Wonderful EXAMPLE set by these two wise women: Kimmer and Tippy.
Grammar correction done by Fawn (aka: Butterfly)
Posted by Peace On the Internet at 12:13 PM "
Excuse me now while I run to the bathroom. I feel a rising in my stomach.
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